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Journal of Special Education Technology

Journal of Special Education Technology

Published in Association with Innovations in Special Education Technology

eISSN: 23813121 | ISSN: 01626434 | Current volume: 40 | Current issue: 1 Frequency: Quarterly
JSET is a refereed professional journal that presents up-to-date information and opinions about issues, research, policy, and practice related to the use of technology in the field of special education. JSET supports the publication of research and development activities, provides technological information and resources, and presents important information and discussion concerning important issues in the field of special education technology to scholars, teacher educators, and practitioners.

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JSET is a referred professional journal that presents up-to-date information and opinions about issues, research, policy, and practice related to the use of technology in the field of special education. JSET supports the publication of research and development activities, provides technological information and resources, and presents important information and discussion concerning important issues in the field of special education technology to scholars, teacher educators, and practitioners

Joseph R. Boyle Temple University, USA
Michael Kennedy University of Virginia, USA
Editorial Board
Soo Ahn Iowa State University, USA
Abigail Allen Clemson University, USA
Kat Alves Longwood University, USA
Zhe (Gigi) An University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Tamarah M. Ashton California State University, Northridge, USA
Melinda Ault University of Kentucky, USA
Kevin Ayres University of Georgia, USA
James D. Basham University of Kansas, USA
Laura Bassette Ball State University, USA
Margaret Bausch University of Kentucky, USA
Randall Boone University of Nevada-Las Vegas, USA
Emily C. Bouck Michigan State University, USA
Monica Brown University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA
Allison Bruhn University of Iowa, USA
Jay Buzhardt University of Kansas, Juniper Gardens Research Center, USA
Richard Carter University of Wyoming, USA
Dianne Chambers University of Notre Dame, Australia
David Cihak University of Tennessee, USA
Mari Beth Coleman University of Tennessee, USA
Olivia Coleman University of Virginia, USA
James Collins University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, USA
Sharon F. Cramer Buffalo State College, NY
Therese M. Cumming University of New South Wales, Australia
Lisa Dieker University of Kansas, USA
Chris Doabler University of Texas, Austin, USA
Melissa Driver Kennesaw State University, USA
Dave Edyburn University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA
Anya Evmenova George Mason University, USA
Hank Fien Boston University, USA
Sara Flanagan University of Maine, USA
Kim Floyd West Virginia University, USA
Marilyn Friend University of North Carolina Greensboro, USA
James Emmett Gardner University of Oklahoma, USA
Tracy Hall Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST), USA
Ted Hasselbring Vanderbilt University, USA
Kyle Higgins University of Nevada Las Vegas, USA
Shanna Hirsch Clemson University, USA
Annemarie Horn Old Dominion University, USA
Brittany Hott University of Oklahoma, USA
Sarah Howorth University of Maine, USA
Maya Israel University of Florida, USA
Tara Kaczorowski Illinois State University, USA
Ryan O. Kellems Brigham Young University, USA
Margaret King-Sears George Mason University, USA
Rachel Kunemund University of Virginia, USA
Paula Lancaster Grand Valley State University, USA
Sean Lancaster Grand Valley State University, USA
Marc J. Lanoyaz Université de Montréal, Canada
Suk-Hyang Lee Ewha Womans University, Republic of Korea
Bianca Della Líbera Instituto Benjamin Constant, Brazil
Charles MacArthur University of Delaware, USA
Matthew T. Marino University of Central Florida, USA
Loretta Mason-Williams Binghamton University, USA
Kevin McFerrin Northwestern State University of Louisiana, USA
Don McMahon Washington State University, USA
Sarah McPherson New York Institute of Technology, USA
Ahmed Hassan Hemdan Mohamed United Arab Emirates University, United Arab Emirates
Cori M. More University of Nevada Las Vegas, USA
Joseph Morgan University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA
Sarah Nagro George Mason University, USA
Nancy Nelson Boston University, USA
Jennifer Newton Ohio University, USA
John O'Rourke Edith Cowan University, Australia
Theresa A. Ochoa Indiana University, USA
Cynthia M. Okolo Michigan State University, USA
Katherine Peeples Illinois State University, USA
Robert Pennington University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
Kavita Rao University of Hawaii, Manoa, USA
Kelly S. Regan George Mason University, USA
Laila Richman Towson University, USA
Marcie Rock University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA
Wendy Rodgers Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
John Romig University of Texas Arlington, USA
Kristin Sayeski University of Georgia, USA
Cate Smith University of Tennessee, USA
Sean Smith University of Kansas, USA
Renee Speight University of Arkansas, USA
Joseph Stowitschek University of Washington, USA
Matthew Taylor The College of New Jersey, USA
Cathy Newman Thomas Texas State University, USA
Matthew J. Tincani Temple University, USA
Jason Travers Temple University, USA
Toni Van Laarhoven Northern Illinois University, USA
Eleazar (Trey) Vasquez University of Central Florida, USA
Kristen Votava University of North Dakota, USA
Zachary Walker University College London, UK
Margaret Weiss George Mason University, USA
Mira Williams James Madison University, USA
Gulnoza Yakuboya University of Maryland, USA
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  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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