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Effective Educational Leadership

Effective Educational Leadership

First Edition
Edited by:

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November 2002 | 304 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
`Keith Grint's persuasive essay on the art of leadership in Effective Educational Leadership is uncannily accurate' - Tim Brighouse, Times Educational Supplement

`its unique contribution is the exploration of links between leadership discourses and the themes that have emerged from the school effectiveness movements since the 1980s. Riley and MacBeath provide one of the most valuable contributions to the volume by arguing that there are no generic recipes for educational leadership but ingredients which need to be carefully selected with a knowledge of specific contexts and needs.

I would use this book with graduate students and practitioners seeking to develop a perspective about contemporary educational leadership. Its greatest contribution is its exploration of the links between effective leadership and effective education. The book also provides optimism in that many of the authors have not capitulated to the reductionist visions of the past two decades. There is still hope that educational theorists and practitioners view the life world as the true source of educational inspiration' - Journal of Educational Administration

`Leadership is the theme of this decade. This series provides an enormously valuable overview of all the critical issues involved in designing leadership as the main strategy for educational reform.... A great and timely collection'- Michael Fullan, Dean, OISE/University of Toronto

`This book makes an excellent contribution to the current debate on Educational Leadership. It blends theory with practice and as such provides an important resource for many aspects of leadership development programmes at a variety of levels. Its ability to draw upon international perspectives along with examples beyond conventional educational parameters enhances its quality. The book contains a well documented account of how leadership has been studied which will appeal both to the academic reader, and to the professional provider of CPD in leadership, offering a wealth of information that can be practically adopted and adapted for a range of courses' - Stephen Merrill, Journal of Inservice Education

Educational management and administration studies focus on leadership as a key determinant of effective educational institutions; and currently, much leadership preparation is characterized by a rational skills-focused approach.

Placing current thinking in leadership studies in its organizational and historical context, this book explores its implications for leadership preparation, leadership theory in action and examines some of the dilemmas and tensions facing educational leaders in practice. It draws on literature and research from both the private and public sectors. It is deliberately international in its content and focus, and examines a range of practice both within and outside education. Each chapter has a short introduction by the editors setting it in context.

This book is for providers and students in higher educational institutions; for postgraduate level courses in educational management; and for leadership development provision for Headteachers induction programmes, NPQH and LPSH. It is also suitable for short courses and for practitioners occupying or aspiring to leadership roles in schools, colleges and other educational organizations.

Nigel Bennett, Megan Crawford and Marion Cartwright
Bill Mulford
Leadership in Education
Losing Sight of Our Interests

T J Sergiovanni
The Lifeworld at the Centre
Values and Actions in Educational Leadership

Melissa Horner
Leadership Theory Reviewed
Nigel Bennett
Structure, Culture and Power in Organizations
Megan Crawford
Inventive Management and Wise Leadership
Mie Augier and Morten Thanning Vendel[sl]o
Networks, Cognition and Management of Tacit Knowledge
K Grint
The Arts of Leadership
Brian Caldwell, Gerald Calnin and Wendy Cahill
Mission Possible? An International Analysis of Head Teacher/Principal Training
Alma Harris, Hugh Busher and Christine Wise
Effective Training for Subject Leaders
Michael F DiPaola
Conflict and Change
Daily Challenges for School Leaders

Graeme Currie
Management Development and a Mismatch of Objectives
The Culture Change Process in the NHS

Kathryn Riley and John MacBeath
Effective Leaders and Effective Schools
Kenneth Leithwood, Doris Jantzi and Rosanne Steinbach
Fostering Teacher Leadership
David L Collinson and Jeff Hearn
Critical Studies on Men, Masculinities and Management
Miles T Bryant
Cross-Cultural Perspectives on School Leadership
Themes from Native American Interviews

Denis Gleeson and Farzana Shain
Managing Ambiguity in Further Education
David Hellawell and Nick Hancock
Between Hierarchical Control and Collegiality
The Academic Middle Manager in Higher Education

Rick Ginsberg and Timothy Gray Davies
The Emotional Side of Leadership
Patrick Duignan and Victoria Collins
Leadership Challenges and Ethical Dilemmas in Front-Line Organizations

`its unique contribution is the exploration of links between leadership discourses and the themes that have emerged from the school effectiveness movements since the 1980s. Riley and MacBeath provide one of the most valuable contributions to the volume by arguing that there are no generic recipes for educational leadership but ingredients which need to be carefully selected with a knowledge of specific contexts and needs.

I would use this book with graduate students and practitioners seeking to develop a perspective about contemporary educational leadership. Its greatest contribution is its exploration of the links between effective leadership and effective education. The book also provides optimism in that many of the authors have not capitulated to the reductionist visions of the past two decades. There is still hope that educational theorists and practitioners view the life world as the true source of educational inspiration' - Journal of Educational Administration

`Leadership is the theme of this decade. This series provides an enormously valuable overview of all the critical issues involved in designing leadership as the main strategy for educational reform.... A great and timely collection'- Michael Fullan, Dean, OISE/University of Toronto

'Excellent value-for-money... can be recommended to those who with to have an authoritative source from which to update their knowledge in a particular filed yet have not the time to cover the complete corpus of core literature.' - Educational Research

Students liked this text book & found it useful for modules being studied

Curriculum , Leek College
May 14, 2013

Definitely a resource from which to 'pick and mix'.

Mrs Hazel Beadle
CPD, Chichester University
July 19, 2011

For instructors

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ISBN: 9780761940562

ISBN: 9780761940555