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Work and Organisational Psychology

Work and Organisational Psychology

Five Volume Set
Edited by:

November 2015 | 1 760 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

Work and organizational psychology is a branch of mainstream psychology which has truly global reach. This subject covers a broad array of aspects such as individual, team and organizational effectiveness, creativity and innovation, cross-cultural leadership and the organization of health services, healthcare and employee well-being.

In five thematic volumes, this collection brings together key papers on the topic, and together with the introductory chapters written by the Editor for each volume, is designed to serve the interests of psychology scholars, and also those involved in the social and behavioural sciences, more broadly.

Volume One: Research Methodology

Volume Two: Assessment and Selection

Volume Three:  Organisational Change and Development

Volume Four:  Human Resource and Performance Management

Volume Five:    Emerging Trends 

Sample Size Requirements for Structural Equation Models an Evaluation of Power, Bias, and Solution Propriety

Erika Wolf et al.
The Etiology of the Multilevel Paradigm in Management Research

John Mathieu and Gilad Chen
Self-Reports in Organizational Research: Problems and Prospects

Philip Podsakoff and Dennis Organ
Debunking Myths and Urban Legends about Meta-Analysis

Herman Aguinis et al.
Cronbach's Coefficient Alpha: Well Known but Poorly Understood

Eunseong Cho and Seonghoon Kim
Does Item Homogeneity Indicate Internal Consistency or Item Redundancy in Psychometric Scales?

Gregory Boyle
New Techniques for Evaluating Temporal Consistency

Justin DeSimone
Understanding the Results of Multiple Linear Regression beyond Standardized Regression Coefficients

Kim Nimon and Frederick Oswald
Methodological Urban Legends: The Misuse of Statistical Control Variables

Paul Spector and Michael Brannick
Method Variance in Organizational Research Truth or Urban Legend?

Paul Spector
Best Practices in Exploratory Factor Analysis: Four Recommendations for Getting the Most from Your Analysis

Jason Osborne and Anna Costello
Uses and Abuses of Coefficient Alpha

Neal Schmitt
On the Use, the Misuse, and the Very Limited Usefulness of Cronbach’s Alpha

Klaas Sijtsma
The Impact of Research Synthesis Methods on Industrial–Organizational Psychology: The Road from Pessimism to Optimism about Cumulative Knowledge

D. DeGeest and F. Schmidt
LISREL Analyses of the RIASEC Model: Confirmatory and Congeneric Factor Analyses of Holland's Self-directed Search

Gregory Boyle and Sergio Fabris
Meta-Analytic Procedure and Interpretation of Treatment Outcome and Test Validity for the Practitioner Psychologist

Ephrem Fernandez and Gregory Boyle
The Validity and Utility of Selection Methods in Personnel Psychology: Practical and Theoretical Implications of 85 Years of Research Findings

Frank Schmidt and John Hunter
Which Personality Attributes Are Most Important in the Workplace?

Paul Sackett and Philip Walmsley
A Different Look at Why Selection Procedures Work the Role of Candidates’ Ability to Identify Criteria

Martin Kleinmann et al.
Social Media for Selection? Validity and Adverse Impact Potential of a Facebook-based Assessment

Chad Van Iddekinge
Intelligence, Personality, and Interests in the Career Choice Process

Phillip Ackerman and Margaret Beier
A Meta-Analytic Study of General Mental Ability Validity for Different Occupations in the European Community

Jes?s Salgado et al.
Personality and Job Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Job Characteristics

Timothy Judge, Joyce Bono and Edwin Locke
Predicting Training Success with General Mental Ability, Specific Ability Tests, and (Un)Structured Interviews: A MetaAnalysis with Unique Samples

Matthias Ziegler et al.
“Dark Side” Personality Styles as Predictors of Task, Contextual, and Job Performance

Silvia Moscoso and Jes?s Salgado
Incremental Validity of Assessment Center Ratings over Cognitive Ability Tests: A Study at the Executive Management Level

Diana Krause et al.
Employment Interview Reliability: New MetaAnalytic Estimates by Structure and Format

Allen Huffcutt, Satoris Culbertson and William Weyhrauch
Work Sample Selection Tests and Expected Reduction in Adverse Impact: A Cautionary Note

Philip Bobko, Philip Roth and Maury Buster
Career Assessment and the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire

J.M. Schuerger
Fact and Fiction in Cognitive Ability Testing for Admissions and Hiring Decisions

Nathan Kuncel and Sarah Hezlett
Extending Boundaries of Human Resource Concepts and Practices: An Innovative Recruitment Method for Indigenous Australians in Remote Regions

Cecil Pearson and Sandra Daff
Personality and Employee Selection: Credibility Regained

Cynthia Fisher and Gregory Boyle
Social Identity Theory and the Organization

Blake Ashforth and Fred Mael
The Effects of Career Development Programs on R&D Personnel in Taiwan

Tser-Yieth Chen, Pao-Long Chang and Ching-Wen Yeh
Managers' Well-Being and Perceptions of Organizational Change in the UK and Australia

Margaret Lindorff, Les Worrall and Cary Cooper
There's a Science for That: Team Development Interventions in Organizations

Marissa Shuffler, Deborah DiazGranados and Eduardo Salas
Haunted by the Past: Effects of Poor Change Management History on Employee Attitudes and Turnover

Prashant Bordia et al.
The Workgroup Emotional Climate Scale Theoretical Development, Empirical Validation, and Relationship with Workgroup Effectiveness

Xiao-Yu Liu, Charmine Härtel and James Sun
Training Methods: A Review and Analysis

Barbara Martin, Klodiana Kolomitro and Tony Lam
Relational Evaluation, Organization-based Self-Esteem, and Performance: The Moderating Role of Allocentrism

Yang Sui and Hui Wang
Theorizing and Researching the Dark Side of Organization

Stephen Linstead, Garance Maréchal and Ricky Griffin
Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Turnover Intention, and Turnover: Path Analyses Based on MetaAnalytic Findings

Robert Tett and John Meyer
Key Questions Regarding Work Engagement

Arnold Bakker, Simon Albrecht and Michael Leiter
Chaos and the Abuse of Power Workplace Bullying in Organizational and Interactional Context

Randy Hodson, Vincent Roscigno and Steven Lopez
Unfair Treatment in the Workplace and Worker Well-Being: The Role of Coworker Support an a Service Work Environment

Melissa Sloan
Building a Practically Useful Theory of Goal Setting and Task Motivation: A 35-Year Odyssey

Edwin Locke and Gary Latham
Managerial Implications of the GLOBE Project: A Study of 62 Societies

Mansour Javidan and Ali Dastmalchian
The Nature and Power of Interests

James Rounds and Rong Su
Neuroscientific Insights into Management Development Theoretical Propositions and Practical Implications

Paul McDonald and Yi-Yuan Tang
Organizational Tenure and Employee Performance: A Multilevel Analysis

Niklas Steffens et al.
Core Self-Evaluations and Job and Life Satisfaction: The Role of Self-Concordance and Goal Attainment

Timothy Judge et al.
Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Its Nature and Antecedents

C. Ann Smith, Dennis Organ and Janet Near
General Mental Ability in the World of Work: Occupational Attainment and Job Performance

Frank Schmidt and John Hunter
What’s Age Got to Do with It? On the Critical Analysis of Age and Organizations

Robyn Thomas et al.
Exploring the Dimensions of Organizational Performance a Construct Validity Study

P. Maik Hamann et al.
Time to Work: A Comparative Analysis of Preferences for Working Hours

Haya Stier and Noah Lewin-Epstein
Morale and Workplace Performance

David Weakliem and Stephen Frenkel
The Road to Performance Ratings Is Paved with Intentions: A Framework for Understanding Managers’ Intentions When Rating Employee Performance

Jeffrey Spence and Lisa Keeping
Unemployment Impairs Mental Health: Meta-Analyses

I.P. Karsten and M. Klaus
What Was, What Is, and What May Be in OP/OB

Lyman Porter and Benjamin Schneider
Organizational Climate and Culture

Benjamin Schneider, Mark Ehrhart and William Macey
East Meets West: Effects of Justice on Employees' Commitment within the Context of International Joint Ventures in China

Yui-Tim Wong
Psychoinformatics New Horizons at the Interface of the Psychological and Computing Sciences

Tal Yarkoni
Key Questions Regarding Work Engagement

A.B. Bakker, S.L. Albrecht and M.P. Leiter
West Meets East? Identifying the Gap in Current Cross-Cultural Training Research

Kyoung Nam, Yonjoo Cho and Mimi Lee
Transforming Our Models of Learning and Development: Webbased Instruction as Enabler of ThirdGeneration Instruction

Kurt Kraiger
The Relationship of Entrepreneurial Traits, Skill, and Motivation to Subsequent Venture Growth

J. Robert Baum and Edwin Locke
The Impact of Civility Interventions on Employee Social Behavior, Distress, and Attitudes

Michael Leiter et al.
Psychological Capital: A Test of Measurement Invariance across 12 National Cultures

Tara Wernsing
Virtual Teams: What Do We Know and Where Do We Go from Here?

Luis L. Martins, Lucy L. Gilson and M. Travis Maynard
Psychosocial Safety Climate as a Precursor to Conducive Work Environments, Psychological Health Problems, and Employee Engagement

Maureen Dollard and Arnold Bakker
The Psychology of Entrepreneurship

Michael Frese and Michael Gielnik

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ISBN: 9781473916715