Organizational Psychology Review
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Organizational Psychology Review is a quarterly, peer-reviewed scholarly journal published by SAGE in partnership with the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology.
Organizational Psychology Review’s unique aim is to publish original conceptual work and meta-analyses in the field of organizational psychology (broadly defined to include applied psychology, industrial psychology, occupational psychology, organizational behavior, personnel psychology, and work psychology).
Articles accepted for publication in Organizational Psychology Review will have the potential to have a major impact on research and practice in organizational psychology. They will offer analyses worth citing, worth following up on in primary research, and worth considering as a basis for applied managerial practice. As such, these should be contributions that move beyond straight forward reviews of the existing literature by developing new theory and insights. At the same time, however, they should be well-grounded in the state of the art and the empirical knowledge base, providing a good mix of a firm empirical and theoretical basis and exciting new ideas.
Organizational Psychology Review does not accept empirical research papers. The only data that is appropriate for Organizational Psychology Review is meta-analytical data, combining research findings to answer overarching questions regarding common effects with the intention to bring the field forward theoretically."
EAWOP members get free online access to Organizational Psychology Review. Please use the link below and ensure you login using your EAWOP details to get access to the journal.
Claudia Buengeler | Kiel University, Germany |
Roni Reiter-Palmon | University of Nebraska Omaha, USA |
Joe Allen | University of Utah, USA |
Anja Van den Broeck | KU Leuven, Belgium |
Ilke Inceoglu | University of Exeter Business School, UK |
Nina M. Junker | University of Oslo, Norway |
Jan-Luca Pletzer | Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands |
Isaac E. Sabat | Texas A&M University, USA |
Chester Spell | Rutgers University, USA |
Lisa Handke | FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany |
Karl Aquino | The University of British Columbia, Canada |
Samuel Aryee | University of Surrey, UK |
Neal M. Ashkanasy | University of Queensland, Australia (organizational behavior) |
Matthijs Baas | University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands |
Laurie Barclay | University of Guelph, Canada |
Frank Belschak | University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands |
Jennifer L Berdahl | University of British Columbia, Canada |
Kate Bezrukova | University at Buffalo, USA |
Anita Blanchard | University of North Carolina, Charlotte, USA |
Kimberley Breevaart | Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands |
Joel Brockner | Columbia University, USA |
Dorothy Carter | Michigan State University, USA |
Arik Cheshin | University of Haifa, Israel |
John Delery | University of Arkansas, USA |
David Dwertmann | Rutgers University, USA |
Hillary Elfenbein | Washington University St. Louis, USA |
Olga Epitropaki | Durham University, UK |
Lisa Finkelstein | Northern Illinois University, USA |
Franco Fraccaroli | University of Trento, Italy |
Ingrid Smithey Fulmer | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA |
Marylene Gagne | Curtin University, Australia |
Michele J Gelfand | University of Maryland, USA |
Steffen Giessner | Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Netherlands |
Janaki Gooty | University of North Carolina, Charlotte, USA |
Mark Griffin | University of Western Australia, Australia |
Terri L. Griffith | Simon Fraser University, Canada |
Rebecca Grossman | Hofstra University, USA |
Yves Guillaume | Aston University, UK |
Jarrod Haar | Massey Business School, Massey University, New Zealand |
Guido Hertel | University of Münster, Germany |
Ivona Hideg | York University, Canada |
Oscar Holmes | Rutgers University, USA |
Kate Horton | Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands |
Joshua L. Howard | Monash University, Austalia |
Tim Judge | Ohio State University, USA |
Ciara Kelly | University of Sheffield, UK |
Deanna Kennedy | Western Washington University, USA |
Rudolf Kerschreiter | Freie Universität Berlin, Germany |
Jasmien Khattab | Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands |
Bradley Kirkman | North Carolina State University, USA |
Caroline Knight | The University of Queensland, Australia |
Giuseppe Labianca | University of Massachusetts, USA |
Jin Lee | Kansas State University, USA |
Hannes Leroy | Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands |
Charalampos Mainemelis | ALBA Graduate Business School, Greece |
Larry Martinez | Portland State University, USA |
Ashley Membere | California State University, USA |
Frederick P Morgeson | Michigan State University, USA |
Barbara Nevicka | University of Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Kara Ng | University of Sheffield, UK |
Kok-Yee Ng | Nanyang Technological University, Singapore |
Tyler Okimoto | The University of Queensland, Australia |
Andrew Parker | Durham University, UK |
Sharon Parker | University of Western Australia, Australia |
Randall Peterson | London Business School, UK |
Denise Rousseau | Carnegie Mellon University, USA |
Nicholas P. Salter | Hofstra University, USA |
Christina Shalley | Georgia Institute of Technology, USA |
Jason Shaw | Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China |
Meir Shemla | EBS University, Germany |
Niro Sivanathan | London Business School, UK |
Gavin Slemp | University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia |
David Sluss | Georgia Institute of Technology, USA |
Sabine Sonnentag | University of Mannheim, Germany |
Matthias Spitzmuller | Queen's University, Canada |
Daan Stam | Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands |
Liz Tenney | University of Utah, USA |
Dean Tjosvold | Lingnan University, Hong Kong, China |
Andra Toader | University of Manchester, UK |
Sjir Uitdewilligen | Maastricht University, Netherlands |
Rolf van Dick | Goethe-University, Frankfurt, Germany |
Hans van Dijk | Tilburg University, the Netherlands |
Linn Van Dyne | Michigan State University, USA |
Wendelien van Eerde | University of Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Edwin van Hooft | University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands |
Gerben A. van Kleef | University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands |
Cristian Vasquez | University of Sheffield, UK |
Sabrina Deeann Volpone | University of Colorado Boulder, USA |
Xiao-Hua (Frank) Wang | Beijing Normal University, China |
Jennifer Wessel | University of Maryland, USA |
Batia Wiesenfeld | New York University, USA |
Sara Willis | The University of Manchester, UK |
Jing Zhou | Rice University, USA |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.