academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookInterpreting ExperienceThe Narrative Study of LivesRuthellen Josselson, Amia LieblichPublished: May 1995From £109.00
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookComputer Programs for Qualitative Data AnalysisA Software SourcebookEben Weitzman, Matthew B. MilesPublished: April 1995From £152.00
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookConversation AnalysisThe Study of Talk-in-InteractionGeorge PsathasPublished: November 1994From £34.99 Inspection copy available
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookStrategies for Interpreting Qualitative DataMartha S. FeldmanPublished: October 1994From £34.99 Inspection copy available
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academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookCritical Issues in Qualitative Research MethodsJanice M. MorsePublished: December 1993From £109.00
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academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookArchival Strategies and TechniquesMichael R. HillPublished: November 1993From £34.99 Inspection copy available
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookThe Narrative Study of LivesRuthellen Josselson, Amia LieblichPublished: May 1993From £109.00
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookDoing Critical EthnographyJim ThomasPublished: January 1993From £34.99 Inspection copy available
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookQualitative Health ResearchJanice M. MorsePublished: September 1992From £81.00
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academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookHuman Inquiry in ActionDevelopments in New Paradigm ResearchPeter ReasonPublished: October 1988From £62.00