academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic Book"Colorblind" RacismLeslie G. CarrPublished: October 1997From £109.00
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academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookResiliency in African-American FamiliesHamilton I. McCubbin, Elizabeth A. Thompson, Anne I. Thompson, Julie E. FromerPublished: July 1998From £109.00
academic-icon Created with Sketch. TextbookCultures and Societies in a Changing WorldFourth EditionWendy GriswoldPublished: March 2012From £58.00 Inspection copy available
academic-icon Created with Sketch. TextbookEthnicity and RaceMaking Identities in a Changing World,Second EditionStephen Cornell, Douglas HartmannPublished: February 2007From £128.00 Inspection copy available
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