Reading Strategies for Elementary Students With Learning Difficulties
Strategies for RTI
- William N. Bender - The Teacher's Workshop
- Martha J. Larkin - State University of West Georgia, USA
“The authors have taken a huge amount of research and information, digested it, and organized it into a clearly arranged, practical, readable, and usable work. This book balances information, suggestions, and examples with reflective exercises that are practical and valuable. It also gives tons of Web sites and resources for more useful tools and tips.”
"Provides research-based information about various reading difficulties from knowledgeable and reputable experts in the field. I appreciate the organizational features: the checklist of strategies at the beginning of each chapter, the reflective exercises throughout the book, teacher tips in each chapter, and the 'What’s Next' section at the end, which is a good way of priming the brain for what it's about to learn.”
The authors have updated the research throughout, including references to research about reading and the brain which have been conducted since the publication of the first edition. They have added information about IDEA legislation and RTI initiatives. In addition, explanations of RTI, RTI case studies, and new instructional strategies were added to each chapter. The case studies show teachers how to implement intervention and track student progress. New figures and charts were added to support the material on RTI.