academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookAchievement TestingRecent AdvancesIsaac I. BejarPublished: December 1983From £34.99
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookMobility TablesMichael HoutPublished: July 1983From £34.99
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookMeasures of AssociationAlbert M. LiebetrauPublished: July 1983From £34.99
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookMultiattribute EvaluationWard Edwards, J. Robert NewmanPublished: December 1982From £34.99
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookDynamic ModelingAn IntroductionR. Robert Huckfeldt, Carol W. Kohfeld, Thomas W. LikensPublished: November 1982From £34.99
academic-icon Created with Sketch. TextbookInterpreting and Using RegressionChristopher H. AchenPublished: November 1982From £34.99 Inspection copy available
academic-icon Created with Sketch. TextbookResearch DesignsPaul E. SpectorPublished: November 1981From £34.99 Inspection copy available
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookUnidimensional ScalingJohn McIver, Edward G. CarminesPublished: November 1981From £34.99
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookMagnitude ScalingQuantitative Measurement of OpinionsMilton LodgePublished: November 1981From £34.99
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookInterrupted Time Series AnalysisDavid McDowall, Richard McCleary, Errol Meidinger, Richard A. Hay, JrPublished: December 1980From £34.99
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookDiscriminant AnalysisWilliam R. KleckaPublished: September 1980From £34.99
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookLog-Linear ModelsDavid Knoke, Peter J. BurkePublished: September 1980From £34.99
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookMultiple IndicatorsAn IntroductionJohn L. Sullivan, Stanley FeldmanPublished: January 1980From £34.99
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookExploratory Data AnalysisFrederick Hartwig, Brian E. DearingPublished: January 1980From £34.99
academic-icon Created with Sketch. TextbookReliability and Validity AssessmentEdward G. Carmines, Richard A. ZellerPublished: January 1980From £34.99 Inspection copy available
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookAnalyzing Panel DataGregory B. MarkusPublished: January 1980From £34.99
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookAnalysis of CovarianceAlbert R. Wildt, Olli T. AhtolaPublished: February 1979From £34.99
academic-icon Created with Sketch. TextbookIntroduction to Factor AnalysisWhat It Is and How To Do ItJae-On Kim, Charles W. MuellerPublished: March 1979From £34.99
academic-icon Created with Sketch. TextbookFactor AnalysisStatistical Methods and Practical IssuesJae-On Kim, Charles W. MuellerPublished: February 1979From £34.99
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academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookMultidimensional ScalingJoseph B. Kruskal, Myron WishPublished: August 1978From £34.99
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookAnalysis of Ordinal DataDavid K. Hildebrand, James .D Laing, Howard RosenthalPublished: July 1977From £34.99
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookAnalysis of Nominal DataH. T. ReynoldsPublished: July 1977From £34.99
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