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Social Psychology

Social Psychology

Second Edition

Other Titles in:
Social Psychology (General)

January 2021 | 560 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
This award-winning text invites students to discover social psychology’s relevance to their lives. Authors Thomas Heinzen and Wind Goodfriend capture student interest by weaving stories drawn from their own personal experiences with compelling examples from everyday life, all carefully placed in historical context. Social psychology is presented as an evolving, science-driven conversation; chapters build on core questions central to scientific inquiry, while a methods-in-context approach cultivates psychological literacy. The Second Edition has been thoroughly updated with new pop culture examples, additional diversity coverage, recent controversies related to the Zimbardo and Milgram studies, and over a hundred new citations from the latest research.

This title is accompanied by a complete teaching and learning package.
About the Authors
CHAPTER 1. An Introduction to Social Psychology
What Is Social Psychology?

What Are Some Big Questions Within Social Psychology?

How Can Social Psychology Make My Life Better Now?

Chapter Summary

Critical Thinking, Analysis, and Application

CHAPTER 2. Research Methods
How Do Social Psychologists Design Studies?

How Do Experiments Work in Social Psychology?

How Can I Recognize Trustworthy Research?

Chapter Summary

Critical Thinking, Analysis, and Application

CHAPTER 3. The Social Self
How Do We Understand the “Self?”

How Do We Know the Self Is Social?

Are We Honest About Ourselves?

Chapter Summary

Critical Thinking, Analysis, and Application

CHAPTER 4. Social Cognition
How Do We Think?

Why Are There Flaws in Our Mental Machinery?

Where Does Intuition Come From—and Can We Trust It?

Chapter Summary

Critical Thinking, Analysis, and Application

CHAPTER 5. Person Perception
What Happens During and After Forming First Impressions?

How Do We Explain Other People’s Behavior?

Why Do We Misjudge One Another?

Chapter Summary

Critical Thinking, Analysis, and Application

CHAPTER 6. Attitudes and Persuasion
What Are Attitudes and Where Do They Come From?

Do Attitudes Predict Behavior?

How Do Attitudes Change?

Chapter Summary

Critical Thinking, Analysis, and Application

CHAPTER 7. Social Influence: Conformity, Social Roles, and Obedience
What Types of Social Influence Exist?

What Social Forces Compel Conformity?

How Are We Influenced by Social Roles and Obedience to Authority?

Chapter Summary

Critical Thinking, Analysis, and Application

CHAPTER 8. Group Processes
Why Are Groups So Important to Us?

How Do Groups Influence Individuals?

How Can Individuals Influence Groups?

Chapter Summary

Critical Thinking, Analysis, and Application

CHAPTER 9. Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination
Why Do We Keep Using Stereotypes?

How Do Stereotypes Turn Into Prejudices?

How Can We Reduce Prejudice and Discrimination?

Chapter Summary

Critical Thinking, Analysis, and Application

CHAPTER 10. Helping and Prosocial Behavior
What Motivates People to Help Others, in General?

Why Are Some People More Helpful Than Others?

What Circumstances Make Helping More or Less Likely?

Chapter Summary

Critical Thinking, Analysis, and Application

CHAPTER 11. Aggression
What Is Aggression?

Why Are Humans Aggressive?

How Can We Manage or Reduce Aggression?

Chapter Summary

Critical Thinking, Analysis, and Application

CHAPTER 12. Intimate Relationships
What Causes Attraction?

How Do We Decide to Commit to a Particular Relationship?

How Do Gender and Culture Influence Relationships?

Chapter Summary

Critical Thinking, Analysis, and Application

CHAPTER A. Social Psychology and Careers
Who Are You After Social Psychology?

Where Can a Social Problem Solver Work?

CHAPTER B. Social Psychology of Humans and Their Pets
How Do Humans Think About Animals and Pets?

What Do Pets Mean to Humans?

CHAPTER C. Social Psychology and a Sustainable Environment
What Are Threshold Effects?

How Can Social Psychologists Contribute to a Sustainable Environment?

CHAPTER D. Social Psychology of Law and the Courtroom
How Do Psychology and Law Fit Together?

What Do Social Psychologists Know About False Confessions and Eyewitness Testimony?

CHAPTER E. Social Psychology of Stress and Health
How Do Environmental Stressors Influence Health?

How Can Social Psychology Improve Medical Adherence?

CHAPTER F. Social Psychology and Happiness: Positive Psychology
What Is Positive Psychology?

How Is Positive Psychology Changing?

CHAPTER G. Social Psychology and Money
What Is Behavioral Economics?

How Can I Apply Behavioral Economics to My Personal Finances?

CHAPTER H. Social Psychology and Relationship Violence
What Does Relationship Violence Look Like?

How Can Survivors Heal and Move Forward?

Author Index
Subject Index


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