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Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry

Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry

Fourth Edition
Edited by:

December 2012 | 448 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry, Fourth Edition is Volume II of the three-volume paperback versions of The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research, Fourth Edition. This portion of the handbook consists of the topics addressed in "Part III: Strategies of Inquiry."

Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry, Fourth Edition isolates the major strategies- historically, the research methods- that researchers can use in conducting concrete qualitative studies. The question of methods begins with questions of design and the matters of money and funding. These questions always begin with the researcher who moves from a research question to a paradigm or perspective, and then to the empirical world. The history and uses of these strategies are explored extensively in this volume. The chapters move from forms (and problems with) mixed methods inquiry to case study, performance and narrative ethnography, to constructionist analytics to grounded theory strategies, testimonies, participatory action research, and clinical research.

Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln
About the Editors
About the Contributors
Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln
1. Introduction: The Discipline and Practice of Qualitative Research
I. Strategies of Inquiry
Julianne Cheek
2. The Politics and Practices of Funding Qualitative Inquiry: Messages About Messages About Messges
John W. Creswell
3. Controversies in Mixed Methods Research
Charles Teddlie and Abbus Tashakkori
4. Mixed Methods Research: Contemporary Issues in an Emerging Field
Bent Flyvbjerg
5. Case Study
Judith Hamera
6. Performance Ethnography
Barbara Tedlock
7. Braiding Narrative Ethnography with Memoir and Creative Nonfiction
James A. Holstein and Jaber F. Gubrium
8. The Constructionist Analytics of Interpretive Practice
Kathy Charmaz
9. Grounded Theory Methods in Social Justice Research
Antjie Krog
10. In the Name of Human Rights: I say (how) you (should) speak (before I listen)
Mary Brydon-Miller, Michael Kral, Patricia Maguire, Susan Noffke and Anu Sabhlok
11. Jazz and the Banyan Tree: Roots and Riffs on Participatory Action Research
Janice M. Morse
12. What is Qualitative Health Research?
Author Index
Subject Index

This book is the second of three paperback volumes taken from the Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research (fourth edition). It presents individually and historically the major strategies and research methods that researchers can use in conducting concrete qualitative studies.

Karl M. van Meter
Bulletin of Sociological Methodology

The book is really helpful. I've benefited from it effecetivley. It covers many issues in Qualitative Research Methods. Language of the book is not that much complicated, is very comprehensible.

Mr Selahattin Onur Karlık
Business Administration, Selcuk University
February 7, 2020

It seems that the new edition of the classic "Handbook of Qualitative Methods" is split into three books. The material is up-to-date and as valuable as ever for the qualitative researcher. Together, these books are the final word on quals. They give you methods, philosophical context, and an overview of the newer social theories emerging as referential paradigms in the area of research design.

Mr Kenneth Anthony Wilkinson
Dept of Marketing, Ops & Digital Busin, Manchester Metropolitan University
March 23, 2016

An excellent book for any student wishing to undertake qualitative research.

Mr Conor McKevitt
Department of Humanities, Dundalk Institute of Technology
November 16, 2015

A fantastic book for anyone doing qualitative research, gives a insightful overview of various possibilities when engaging with qualitative research design.

Ms Irena Loveikaite
Department of Applied Arts, Waterford Institute of Technology
February 29, 2016

An excellent discussion of the scope of qualitative methods

Dr Charles Mitchell
Political Science and Public Administration, Grambling State University
August 25, 2015

A useful text for dissertation students. Detailed and well written.

Mrs Della Austin
School of Education and Community, Glyndwr University
August 4, 2015

This book will form a key part of research texts in the qualitative field. Very well written with a comprehensive view of the qualitative field.

Mr Eric Bates
Dublin School of Architecture, Dublin Institute of Technology
June 10, 2015

A very useful and informative book for undergraduate and postgraduate students, particularly those undertaking a dissertation.

Dr Sarah Snell
Marketing and Enterprise , University of Hertfordshire
June 8, 2015

An essential read for the research student everywhere.

Mr Paul Matthews
Business Administration , University College Birmingham
April 22, 2015

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