The Psychology of B F Skinner
- William O'Donohue - University of Nevada, Reno, USA
- Kyle E. Ferguson - Scottish Centre for Social Research, Edinburgh
As such, the book is a text on behaviourism, rather than on Skinner.
"O’Donohue and Ferguson provide an exceptionally clear picture of the breadth, scientific importance, and value to society of the work of the late B.F. Skinner. They include reasons that his work has been criticized and misunderstood. A substantial index, an attractive cover and typeface, and a readable style are bonuses to this exceptionally well-researched, accurate, and fair description of Skinner’s work. All collections."
"The authors provide a concise overview of the basic principles and methods used by modern behavior analysts, as well as a thorough discussion of the difference between reward and reinforcement and elicited and emitted behavior."
This text has been adopted by Capella University