The Public Manager Case Book
Making Decisions in a Complex World
- Terrel R Rhodes - Portland State University, USA
- Patricia M Alt - Towson University, Towson, MD
- Cheryl L Brown - University of North Carolina, Charlotte, USA
- Marueen Brown - University of North Carolina, Charlotte, USA, University of North Carolina, USA
- Robert Gassner - United Way of the Columbia - Willamette
- Sherril Gelmon - Portland State University, USA
- Gary R Rassel - University of North Carolina, Charlotte, USA
- Carole L Jurkiewicz - University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, USA
- Linda E Swayne - University of North Carolina, Charlotte, USA
- David F Thompson - Freeman White, Inc.
I am teaching a module for postgraduate MBA students on Business Planning. Most come from working backgrounds in health and education hence many more profit orientated cases are not applicable to them so I am hoping that this publication can give them some good insights into the decisioni process for the public sector and thus to avoid the standard criticism that the Module is really built for those working in the 'for profit' sector.