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The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research Ethics

The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research Ethics

Edited by:

February 2018 | 584 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
This handbook is a much-needed and in-depth review of the distinctive set of ethical considerations which accompanies qualitative research. This is particularly crucial given the emergent, dynamic and interactional nature of most qualitative research, which too often allows little time for reflection on the important ethical responsibilities and obligations

Contributions from leading international researchers have been carefully organised into six key thematic sections:

Part One: Thick Descriptions Of Qualitative Research Ethics
Part Two: Qualitative Research Ethics By Technique
Part Three: Ethics As Politics
Part Four: Qualitative Research Ethics With Vulnerable Groups
Part Five: Relational Research Ethics
Part Six: Researching Digitally

This Handbook is a one-stop resource on qualitative research ethics across the social sciences that draws on the lessons learned and the successful methods for surmounting problems – the tried and true, and the new.
Ron Iphofen and Martin Tolich
Editors' Introduction: Foundational Issues in Qualitative Research Ethics
Ron Iphofen and Martin Tolich
Part One Introduction
Martyn Hammersley
Chapter 1: Values in Social Research
David Carpenter
Chapter 2: Ethics, Reflexivity and Virtue
Natasha S. Mauthner
Chapter 3: A Posthumanist Ethics of Mattering: New Materialisms and the Ethical Practice of Inquiry
Andrea Doucet
Chapter 4: Feminist Epistemologies And Ethics: Ecological Thinking, Situated Knowledges, Epistemic Responsibilities
Mark Israel
Chapter 5: Ethical Imperialism? Exporting Research Ethics to the Global South
Helen Kara
Chapter 6: Democratizing Research in Practice
Ron Iphofen and Martin Tolich
Part Two Introduction
Sara Delamont and Paul Atkinson
Chapter 7: The Ethics of Ethnography
Karen Lowton
Chapter 8: He Said, She Said, We Said: Ethical Issues In Conducting Dyadic Interviews
Anita Gibbs
Chapter 9: Ethical Issues when Undertaking Autoethnographic Research with Families
Mark Edward
Chapter 10: Between Dance and Detention: Ethical Considerations of Mesearch in Performance
Penelope Kinney
Chapter 11: Walking Interview Ethics
Anne Harley & Jonathon Langdon
Chapter 12: Ethics and Power in Visual Research Methods
Olivia Marcus and Shir Lerman
Chapter 13: Ethics Working In An Ever-Changing Ethnographic Environment
Ron Iphofen and Martin Tolich
Part Three Introduction
Jon Shefner and Zachary McKenney
Chapter 14: Confronting Political Dilemmas in Ethnographic Field Work: Consent, Personal Safety and Triangulation
Igor Gontcharov
Chapter 15: Qualitative Ethics in a Positivist frame: The Canadian Experience 1998-2010
Lisa Wynn
Chapter 16: When Ethics Review Boards Get Ethnographic Research Wrong
Marilys Guillemin and Lynn Gillam
Chapter 17: Reflexivity: overcoming distrust between Research Ethics Committees and Researchers
Gary Allen and Mark Israel
Chapter 18: Moving beyond Regulatory Compliance: Building Institutional Support for Ethical Reflection in Research
David Hunter
Chapter 19: Research Ethics Committees - What are they good for?
Ron Iphofen and Martin Tolich
Part Four Introduction
Will C. van den Hoonaard
Chapter 20: The Vulnerability of Vulnerability: Why Social Science Researchers Should Abandon the Doctrine of Vulnerability
Chih Hoong Sin
Chapter 21: Researching hate crime against disabled people – working through ethical considerations when the ‘personal is political’
Linda Liebenberg, Michele Wood, and Darlene Wall
Chapter 22: Participatory Action Research With Indigenous Youth And Their Communities
Julie Mooney-Somers and Anna Olsen
Chapter 23: . Role Conflict and Questions of Rigour: Working with Community Researchers in Sexual Health
Angel A. Escamilla García and Gary Alan Fine
Chapter 24: Fair Warnings: The Ethics of Ethnography with Children
Fiona Poland and Linda Birt
Chapter 25: Protecting And Empowering Research With The Vulnerable Older Person
Emma Tumilty, Catherine M. Smith, Peter Walker and Gareth Treharne
Chapter 26: Ethics Unleashed: Developing Responsive Ethical Practice And Review For The Inclusion Of Non-Human Animal Participants In Qualitative Research
Lucy Pickering
Chapter 27: Paternalism and the Ethics of Researching with People who use Drugs
Ron Iphofen and Martin Tolich
Part Five Introduction
Donald Matheson
Chapter 28: An Exception To The Rule: Journalism And Research Ethics
Dónal O’Mathúna
Chapter 29: The Dual Imperative in Disaster Research Ethics
Bridgette Toy-Cronin
Chapter 30: Ethical Issues in Insider-Outsider Research
David Calvey
Chapter 31: Covert: The Fear And Fascination Of A Methodological Pariah
Karin Olson
Chapter 32: Ethical issues in Grounded Theory
Elizabeth Buchanan
Part Six Introduction
Camilla Granholm and Eva Svedmark
Chapter 33: Research That Hurts: Ethical Considerations When Studying Vulnerable Populations Online
Natasha Whiteman
Chapter 34: . ‘What if they’re bastards?’: Ethics and the Imagining of the Other in the Study of Online Fan Cultures
Tom McDonald, Karen Joe-Laidler and Marissa Dean
Chapter 35: Negotiating the ethics of gendered online spaces in Mainland China and Hong Kong
Ron Iphofen and Martin Tolich
Concluding Thoughts: The Virtues of a Reflexive Qualitative Researcher

This is a landmark collection in the field of qualitative research ethics, and a Handbook with a key message.  The contributions are full of insights about ethical issues in diverse research contexts, populations and methods. Taken together they build the case for an institutional approach to ethical review for qualitative research that can deal with specificity and complexity.  Iphofen and Tolich’s Handbook will be richly informative for academic researchers but it should be required reading for ethics committee members. 

Rosalind Edwards
Professor of Sociology, University of Southampton

I doubt there are many, if any, qualitative researchers who are not mindful of the ethical responsibilities they bear when investigating social situations. These responsibilities go far beyond the procedural requirements of ethics reviews and require careful thought and on-going review. By considering various ethical perspectives whilst reflecting the diversity of qualitative approaches and techniques, the contributions to this handbook demonstrate the need to treat each research endeavour as a unique instance, requiring a unique ethical response. In doing so it offers a valuable resource to both experienced researchers and those who are just starting out alike.

Professor Pat Sikes
Professor in Qualitative Inquiry, University of Sheffield

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ISBN: 9781473970977

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