Martin Adams New School of Psychotherapy and Regent's College, London academic-icon Created with Sketch. TextbookSkills in Existential Counselling & PsychotherapySecond EditionEmmy van Deurzen, Martin AdamsPublished: May 2016From £34.99 Inspection copy availableClick for online resources academic-icon Created with Sketch. TextbookA Concise Introduction to Existential CounsellingMartin AdamsPublished: January 2013From £28.99 Inspection copy available
academic-icon Created with Sketch. TextbookSkills in Existential Counselling & PsychotherapySecond EditionEmmy van Deurzen, Martin AdamsPublished: May 2016From £34.99 Inspection copy availableClick for online resources
academic-icon Created with Sketch. TextbookA Concise Introduction to Existential CounsellingMartin AdamsPublished: January 2013From £28.99 Inspection copy available