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Furlong, Scott R.

Scott R. Furlong State University of New York at Oswego

Scott R. Furlong is provost/vice president for academic

affairs at the State University of New York at Oswego as

of July 2017, after serving ten years as dean of the College

of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences and professor

of political science and public affairs at the University of

Wisconsin–Green Bay. His areas of expertise are regulatory

policy and interest group participation in the executive

branch, and he has taught public policy for over twenty

years. He is the author or coauthor of many book chapters

and coauthor of Rulemaking: How Government Agencies

Write Laws and Make Policy, 5th ed. (2019), with Cornelius

M. Kerwin. His articles have appeared in such journals as Public Administration Review, Journal

of Public Administration Research and Theory, Administration and Society, American Review of

Public Administration, and Policy Studies Journal.