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135 Results Found for "AD0"


SAGE Video Introduces Nursing Collection, Fostering Career Building Skills and Techniques

SAGE also launches interdisciplinary Leadership collection and new Education content


SAGE Publishing announces the launch of a new SAGE Video collection in Nursing to help students develop career-building skills and techniques. The 75+ hours of video foster clinical skills and teach nursing students to better understand and care for the whole patient. The addition brings SAGE's streaming video resource to 15 collections across the social and health sciences and research methods. 

Sage Journal Packages

Whether your library needs the full, interdisciplinary collection dating back to volume 1, issue 1, or a specific, focused collection targeted to your researchers’ interests, Sage can help you build the perfect fit by providing several journals package options to fit your library's needs.

request a library trial

Indexing & Discoverability

At SAGE, we take seriously our obligation to ensure readers get to the SAGE content they need as smoothly and effectively as possible wherever their starting point and regardless of their device. We tackle discoverability for our products in 4 key areas: open web discovery, institutional discovery, specialized database discovery, and across-SAGE discovery.

Print and Digital Content Sponsorship

Leverage SAGE’s peer-reviewed content to establish credibility and rust. We offer a variety of print and digital opportunities to help you reach your target audience and promote our brand.

Digital Options

Digital Edition Sponsorship

Promote your brand with a dedicated, online sponsored issue. Perfect for conferences, this is sure to be seen by conference attendees and society members.

Non-Academic & Special Libraries

Knowledge solutions for better outcomes

Whatever type of library or institution you are based at we have something that is sure to match your needs. From government to NGO’s, law firms to hospitals, engineering to pharmaceutical, public libraries to schools, anyone responsible for information management or content delivery will benefit from staying up to date with all our products and purchasing options.

Teaching resources on Digital Methods

The digital landscape is constantly changing. To help you and your students keep up with the field, and to make preparation for your teaching as quick and easy as possible, below you’ll find a range of just some of the free resources available in our textbooks and on their accompanying websites

Selection of online resources

Please note: you’ll need to have an approved instructor account to access some of these materials 

Preparing for university

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If you've just started university, you might be feeling anxious and excited in equal measures. It’s a cliche, but everyone else really is in the same boat. However, there's plenty you can do to make your voyage at university smooth, storm-free and watertight – and you're in the right place. 


Submitting your manuscript

Many Sage journals are hosted on Sage Track, a web based online submission and peer review system powered by ScholarOne™ Manuscripts. Please see the submission guidelines of the journal you wish to submit to find out its preferred submission method. 
