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837 Results Found for "CAN"


Starting out: Early Career Researchers and Editorial Board membership

Whether you are a researcher currently working on an advanced degree, like a PhD or postdoc, or are only a few years out of your program, Sage offers an abundance of resources and services to support early career researchers (ECRs) throughout this initial stage as you work to establish yourself in your chosen field. If you are interested in serving on a Journal’s Editorial Board but are not sure about the steps involved, this page is a great place to start.

Email Alerts

Decorative Email iconWe can help you keep you up-to-date with the latest in your field of study to support your teaching, learning and research, including information about:

Print and Digital Content Sponsorship

Leverage SAGE’s peer-reviewed content to establish credibility and rust. We offer a variety of print and digital opportunities to help you reach your target audience and promote our brand.

Digital Options

Digital Edition Sponsorship

Promote your brand with a dedicated, online sponsored issue. Perfect for conferences, this is sure to be seen by conference attendees and society members.

Inspection Copy Policy

Inspection copy policy

Textbooks marked with the inspection copy button are available free to course lecturers based at higher and further education institutions for adoption review.

Explaining Primary Science


Significant public understanding exists with regard to DNA and it is no longer regarded as ‘belonging’ to upper secondary school and university learning. It is com­monly referenced material in the media and therefore public awareness is high. Promoting public understanding and contributing to citizenship are important priorities in school science education.
