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837 Results Found for "CAN"


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Accept - No further revision required. The manuscript is publishable in its current form. The majority of articles require revision before reaching this stage.

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SAGE Research Methods Datasets launched to teach research methods through practice

Los Angeles, CA - SAGE today announces the launch of SAGE Research Methods Datasets, a new resource that supports the teaching and independent learning of quantitative and qualitative analytical methods used in the social sciences. Using real-world data from around the world accompanied by step-by-step instructions, this resource teaches statistical and analytical techniques used in Business, Education, Health, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology, among other disciplines.

Funding Acknowledgements

All research articles should have a funding acknowledgement statement included in the manuscript in the form of a sentence under a separate heading entitled ‘Funding’ directly after your Acknowledgements and Declaration of Conflicting Interests, if applicable, and prior to any Notes and your References. The funding agency should be written out in full, followed by the grant number in square brackets, see following example:

This work was supported by the Medical Research Council [grant number xxx].
