Rohit Deshpandé
Ajay K Kohli and Bernard J Jaworski
Market Orientation
The Construct, Research Propositions and Managerial Implications
John C Narver and Stanley F Slater
The Effect of Market Orientation on Business Profitability
Rohit Deshpandé, John U Farley and Frederick E Webster Jr
Corporate Culture, Customer Orientation and Innovativeness in Japanese Firms
Bernard J Jaworski and Ajay K Kohli
Market Orientation
Antecedents and Consequences
Stanley F Slater and John C Narver
Market Orientation, Performance and the Moderating Influence of Competitive Environment
Alfred M Pelham and David T Wilson
Does Market Orientation Matter for Small Firms?
John C Narver, Robert L Jacobson and Stanley F Slater
Market Orientation and Business Performance
An Analysis of Panel Data
Rohit Deshpandé and John U Farley
Understanding Market Orientation
A Prospectively Designed Meta-Analysis of Three Market Orientation Scales
Stanley F Slater and John C Narver
Market Orientated Is Not Enough
Build a Learning Organization
Judy A Siguaw, Penny M Simpson and Thomas L Baker
The Influence of Market Orientation on Channel Relationships