Journal of Interactive Marketing
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The Journal of Interactive Marketing aims to identify issues and frame ideas associated with the rapidly expanding field of interactive marketing, which includes both online and offline topics related to the analysis, targeting and service of individual customers. We strive to publish leading-edge, high-quality and original research that presents results, methodologies, theories, concepts, models and applications on any aspect of interactive marketing. The journal has no preferred or disallowed methodologies but is open to conceptually rigorous approaches of any type. Manuscripts should address current or emerging managerial problems and have the potential to impact practice and theory in interactive marketing.
A partial list of topics suitable for publication in the journal might include, but not be limited to:
- Big data analytics
- Multichannel and online retail strategy
- Online advertising
- Web Analytics
- Browsing and buying behavior
- E-service and self-service technology
- Customer relationship management
- Strategic use of IT
- Social media marketing
- Social media monitoring
- Social network analysis
- Mobile marketing
- Search engine marketing
- Influence/viral marketing
- User-generated content
- Privacy, trust and ethical issues
- Dynamic pricing
- Recommendation systems
- Interactive B2B marketing
- Customer journey analysis and marketing
- Microtargeting
- Targeted advertising and promotions
- Content customization
- Content marketing
- Customer engagement
- Ratings/reviews
- Online customer behavior
- Text analytics of online content (both user and brand generated)
- Crowdsourcing
- Marketing analytics
A more detailed presentation of the full scope of the journal is presented in Wendy W. Moe and Brian T. Ratchford (2018), "How the Explosion of Customer Data Has Redefined Interactive Marketing" Journal of Interactive Marketing, 42, A1-A2.
Ratchford, Brian T. (2015), "Some Directions for Research in Interactive Marketing," Journal of Interactive Marketing, 29, v-vii.
Peeter Verlegh | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Beth Fossen | Indiana University, USA |
Roland Rust | University of Maryland, USA |
John Deighton | Harvard Business School, USA |
Sonja Gensler | University of Münster Marketing Center Munster, Germany |
Rashi Glazer | Haas School of Business, USA |
Charles F. Hofacker | Florida State University, USA |
Edward Malthouse | Northwestern University, USA |
Wendy Moe | University of Maryland, USA |
Arvind Rangaswamy | Pennsylvania State University, USA |
Brian Ratchford | University of Texas at Dallas, USA |
Venky Shankar | Texas A&M University, USA |
Russell S. Winer | New York University, USA |
Annika Abell | University of Tennessee, USA |
Oguz A. Acar | King's College London, UK |
Yakov Bart | Northeastern University, USA |
Steven Bellman | University of South Australia, Australia |
Stefan F. Bernritter | King's College London, UK |
Alexander Bleier | Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Germany |
Abhishek Borah | INSEAD, France |
Hannes Datta | Tilburg University, Netherlands |
Emanuel de Bellis | University of St. Gallen, Switzerland |
Bruce Hardie | London Business School, UK |
Dennis Herhausen | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
Vamsi K. Kanuri | University of Notre Dame, USA |
Mansur Khamitov | Indiana University, USA |
Robert Kozinets | University of Southern California, USA |
Lauren Labrecque | The University of Rhode Island, USA |
Alice Li | Ohio State University, USA |
Yuping Liu-Thompkins | Old Dominion University, USA |
Shijie Lu | University of Notre Dame, USA |
Koen Pauwels | Northeastern University, USA |
Christina Schamp | Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria |
Francesca Sotgiu | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Ana Valenzuela | Baruch College, USA |
Caroline Wiertz | City, University of London |
Simone Wies | Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany |
Ezgi Akpinar Uysal | Sabanci University, Turkey |
Lerzan Aksoy | Fordham University, USA |
Ashwin Aravindakshan | University of California, Davis, USA |
Ana Babic Rosario | University of Denver, USA |
Mathieu Béal | EMLYON Business School, France |
Maren Becker | ESCP Business School Berlin, Germany |
Tammo H.A. Bijmolt | University of Groningen, the Netherlands |
Raymond Burke | Indiana University, USA |
Gizem Ceylan | The Ohio State University, USA |
Inyoung Chae | Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea |
Yu-Jen Chen | National Taiwan University, Taiwan |
Zoey Chen | University of Miami, USA |
Junhong Chu | National University of Singapore, Singapore |
Robert Ciuchita | Hanken School of Economics, Finland |
Melanie Clegg | University of Lausanne, Switzerland |
Sokiente (Tari) Dagogo-Jack | University of Georgia, USA |
Michelle Daniels | University of Alabama, USA |
Arnaud De Bruyn | ESSEC Business School, France |
Utpal Dholakia | Rice University, USA |
Jiska Eelen | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Scott Fay | Syracuse University, USA |
Shyam Gopinath | University of Iowa, USA |
Sabrina Gottschalk | City University of London, UK |
Xian Gu | Indiana University, USA |
Kelly Herd | University of Connecticut, USA |
Erik Hermann | ESCP Business School Berlin, Germany |
Jason Ho | Simon Fraser University, Canada |
Donna Hoffman | The George Washington University, USA |
Ashlee Humphreys | Northwestern University, USA |
Verena Hüttl-Maack | University of Hohenheim, Germany |
Devon Johnson | Montclair State University, USA |
Andrew Kaikati | Saint Louis University, USA |
Kirthi Kalyanam | Santa Clara University, USA |
P. K. Kannan | University of Maryland, USA |
Kristina Klein | University of Bremen, Germany |
Praveen Kopalle | Dartmouth College, USA |
Christina Kuchmaner | Duquesne University, USA |
Tarun Kushwaha | University of Wisconsin–Madison, USA |
Shibo Li | Indiana University, USA |
Liu Liu | University of Colorado Boulder, USA |
Lan Luo | University of Southern California, USA |
Alexander Mafael | Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden |
Andre Marchand | Leipzig University, Germany |
George R. Milne | University of Massachusetts, USA |
Sangkil Moon | Univeristy of North Carolina Charlotte, USA |
B.P.S. Murthi | The University of Texas at Dallas, USA |
Prasad A. Naik | University of California Davis, USA |
Unnati Narang | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA |
Scott A. Neslin | Dartmouth College, USA |
Oded Netzer | Columbia University Business School, USA |
Thomas P. Novak | The George Washington University, USA |
J. Andrew Petersen | Penn State Unviersity, USA |
Thomas Reutterer | Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria |
Edward Rigdon | Georgia State University, USA |
Oliver Rutz | University of Washington, USA |
Daniele Scarpi | University of Bologna, Italy |
Mike Schmierbach | Penn State University, USA |
Bernd Skiera | Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany |
Martin Spann | Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany |
Yael Steinhart | Tel Aviv University, Israel |
Kunal Swani | Wright State University, USA |
Seshadri Tirunillai | University of Houston, USA |
Sara Valentini | Bocconi University, Italy |
Gerrit Van Bruggen | Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands |
Dirk Van den Poel | Ghent University, Belgium |
Ralf Van der Lans | Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China |
Guda Van Noort | University of Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Eva A. van Reijmersdal | University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
Rebecca J. H. Wang | Lehigh University, USA |
Jared Watson | New York University, USA |
Jaap Wieringa | University of Groningen, The Netherlands |
Freeman Wu | Vanderbilt University, USA |
Jianan Wu | Louisiana State University, USA |
Ying Xie | The University of Texas at Dallas, USA |
Manjit Yadav | Texas A&M University, USA |
Mark Yi-Cheon Yim | University of Massachusetts, Lowell, USA |
Bobby Zhou | University of Maryland, USA |
Peter Pal Zubcsek | Tel Aviv University, Israel |
Jess Barselow | Production Editor |
Karin Horler | Senior Copy Editor |
T.J. Anderson | Academic Content Manager |
Bennie F. Johnson | Chief Executive Officer |
Michelle Kritselis | Publisher, Academic Communities and Journals |
Marilyn Stone | Director, Academic Communities and Journals |
Matt Weingarden | Exceutive Vice President, Communities and Journals |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.