The First-Time Grantwriter's Guide to Success
Education Finance & Funding
The First-Time Grantwriter's Guide to Success is a complete reference to grant funding. The book includes multiple examples, as well as first hand experiences, failures, and successes. The author Cynthia Knowles provides readers with detailed information to navigate the process, from research, to writing, to submitting the final proposal. She includes a complete glossary of statute terms, forms and figures to assist readers in organization and planning, and a list of alternative grantwriting resources.
"Direct, clear, and concise, this comprehensive book is full of good suggestions for everyone from a novice to an experienced grantwriter. The author’s use of simple language makes it easy to read and understand."
"The detail and step-by-step discussion of the grantwriting process presented in this book provide a high level of comfort without being overwhelming. The large number of grant resources and checklists are invaluable."
"For inexperienced and experienced grantwriters alike, this extremely useful reference book uses an easy-to-read format that encourages readers to go forth in the grantseeker’s world with confidence."