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Kylie Hutchinson Community Solutions, Vancouver, Canada

Kylie Hutchinson took her first course in evaluation in 1988 and was hooked. She won the Canadian
Evaluation Society’s Student Competition in 1990, made the leap into evaluation consulting in 1998, and
has never looked back. In 2005 she was asked to deliver the Canadian Evaluation Society’s Essential Skills
course in British Columbia which she did until 2011. This focus on training sparked a new interest in
evaluation capacity-building and she enrolled in Vancouver Community College’s Instructor Development
Program. By 2007 approximately 40% of her work was evaluation capacity-building. She continues to this
day providing both her own private and sponsored workshops and webinars for clients such as the
American Evaluation Association, Canadian Evaluation Society, and U.S. Centers for Disease Control. Since
2008, she has become increasingly interested in evaluation reporting, and has run a pre-conference
workshop on the topic at AEA. Kylie acknowledges her roots are firmly rooted in the muddy trenches of
evaluation practice versus academia. She has a passion for taking evaluation theory and making it
accessible for evaluators to use immediately in their practice: this is evidenced by some of the free
evaluation resources she has produced over the years including one-page reference sheets, a podcast, two
videos, an eLearning course, a mobile learning course for senior decision-makers, and an evaluation
glossary mobile app. She is also the author of An Innovative Guide to Evaluation Reporting and Survive and Thrive: Three Steps to Securing Your Program Sustainability