Leadership is an international, peer-reviewed journal designed to provide an ongoing forum for academic researchers to exchange information, insights and knowledge based on both theoretical development and empirical research on leadership. It publishes original, high-quality articles that contribute to the advancement of the study of leadership. The journal is global in orientation and focus. As our guidelines for authors makes clear, we are particularly interested in critical approaches to leadership. Submissions must at least engage with the critical literature on leadership, even if these are ultimately rejected. Authors intending to submit a paper should consult these guidelines carefully for a deeper explanation of what types of articles we will publish (https://journals.sagepub.com/author-instructions/LEA#WhatDoWePublish).
Advancing Understanding
Leadership advances the understanding and significance of leadership in the economic, political, technological and social relations of organization and society. The journal encourages debate about the changing nature of leadership and leadership research and the dilemmas, ambiguities and complexities of leadership theory and practice, past and present.
A Wide-Ranging Approach
Leadership is the leading scholarly journal in the field of researching leadership studies, at the cutting edge of the theory and practice of leadership and organization. The main emphasis in the journal is on interdisciplinary, diverse and critical analyses of leadership processes in contemporary organizations and society. Leadership encourages new ways of researching and conceptualizing leadership. We welcome diverse methodologies and theoretical perspectives, and approaches drawn from the humanities as well as the social sciences.
Broad Readership
Leadership is essential reading for academics, researchers and students engaged with leadership within the fields and disciplines of:
· Organizational theory / studies / behaviour
· Management
· Occupational psychology
· Sociology
· Cultural studies
· Political science and History
The International Studying Leadership Conference (ISLC)
The ISLC is held annually in December. It attracts leadership researchers from all over the world. The first conference was held at Oxford University in 2002. Conference participants often comment on the critical, rigorous, constructive and supportive atmosphere that characterizes discussions and debates at the ISLC.
Authors of papers presenting their research at the conference are also strongly encouraged to submit their work for peer review in Leadership. The Leadership editorial team is particularly keen to strengthen the links between the conference and published articles in Leadership. At the conference, SAGE give an award of the best paper presented at the conference and, after peer review, this is then published in a future issue of the journal.
Twelve good reasons to publish in Leadership:
1. Leadership is a peer reviewed, international journal that publishes original research on leadership.
2. Leadership publishes a selection of the best papers from the annual International Studying Leadership Conference.
3. Leadership publishes papers that are innovative, thought-provoking and critical both in content and format.
4. Leadership encourages submissions not only from business, management and organization studies, but also from other important leadership-related disciplines such as politics, history, philosophy, sociology and anthropology.
5. Leadership is particularly keen to publish papers from parts of the world that are significantly under-represented in contemporary leadership studies.
6. Leadership encourages non-traditional submissions. These may be: a think piece, review article, a debate, conversation or extended interview.
7. Peer reviewed manuscripts will receive 'double-blind' reviewing by at least two referees. Leadership has an International Editorial Review Board of experts within the field as well as an extended group of skilled and committed referees. Decisions on manuscripts are usually made within two months of submission.
8. The journal's content is highly downloaded from the SAGE journals online platform.
9. Leadership has an Impact Factor and is ranked in the Management Journal Citation Reports® and the Social Sciences Citation Index.
10. Leadership is ranked in the CABS and ABDC quality lists.
11. SAGE Journals platform ensures that Leadership content benefits from the very latest in online search and discoverability technology.
12. Unprecedented international reach - SAGE is the world's leading independent academic publisher. We proudly retain a culture that puts quality and individual relationships first. Your article will have global reach through our principal offices in Los Angeles, London, New Delhi and Singapore.
Leadership is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes the highest quality original research on leadership.
Leadership is designed to provide an ongoing forum for academic researchers to exchange information, insights and knowledge on both theoretical development and empirical research on leadership. We particularly favour papers that engage with the critical literature on leadership.
Submit your manuscript today at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/leadership
Leadership is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes the highest quality original research on leadership.
Leadership is designed to provide an ongoing forum for academic researchers to exchange information, insights and knowledge on both theoretical development and empirical research on leadership. It will publish original, high-quality articles that contribute to the advancement of the field of leadership studies.
We are particularly interested in critical approaches to leadership. Submissions must at least engage with the critical literature on leadership, even if these are ultimately rejected. Authors intending to submit a paper should consult these guidelines carefully for a deeper explanation of what types of articles we will publish (https://journals.sagepub.com/author-instructions/LEA#WhatDoWePublish).
Doris Schedlitzki | London Metropolitan University, UK |
Gareth Edwards | University of the West of England, UK |
David Collinson (Founding Editor) | Lancaster University, UK |
Keith Grint (Founding Editor) | University of Warwick, UK |
Brad Jackson | University of Waikato, New Zealand |
Dennis Tourish | University of Sussex, UK |
Johan Alvehus | Lund University, Sweden |
Richard Bolden | University of the West of England, UK |
Brigid Carroll | University of Auckland, New Zealand |
Hamid Foroughi | Warwick Business School, UK |
Magnus Larsson | Lund University, Sweden |
Sarah Robinson | Rennes School of Business, France |
Owain Smolovic Jones | Open University, UK |
Suze Wilson | Massey University, New Zealand |
Donna Ladkin | Birmingham University, UK |
Marilyn Ming Lee Poon | Universität Innsbruck, Austria |
Vita Akstinaite | ISM University of Management and Economics, Lithuania |
Maria Teresa Almeida | Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal |
Mats Alvesson | Lund University, Sweden |
Richard Badham | University of Sydney, Australia |
J. Kevin Barge | Texas A & M University, USA |
Ralph Bathurst | Massey University, NZ, New Zealand |
Brigitte Biehl | SRH Hochschule Berlin, Germany |
Michelle C. Bligh | Claremont Graduate University, USA |
Nick Butler | Stockholm University, Sweden |
Peter Case | University of the West of England, UK |
Sarah Chace | Christopher Newport University, USA |
Joanne Ciulla | Rutgers University Newark Business School, USA |
Timothy Clark | Singapore Management University, Singapore |
Jonathan Clifton | Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, France |
Jean-Louis Denis | University of Montreal, Canada |
Hector R. Diaz-Saenz | Tecnológico de Monterrey, México |
Katja Einola | Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden |
Carole Elliott | University of St Andrews, UK |
Mike Elmes | Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA |
Michelle Evans | University of Melbourne, Australia |
Gail Fairhurst | University of Cincinnati, USA |
Nicole Ferry | Copenhagen Business School, Denmark |
Jackie Ford | Durham University, UK |
Pingping Fu | Nottingham University, China |
Liz Fulop | Griffith University, Australia |
Hugo Gaggiotti | University of the West England, UK |
Suzanne Gagnon | University of Manitoba, Canada |
Rita Gardiner | University of Western Ontario, Canada |
Parisa Gilani | Bournemouth University, UK |
Jonathan Gosling | University of Exeter, UK |
Peter Gronn | University of Cambridge, UK |
Eric Guthey | Copenhagen Business School, Denmark |
Richard Hall | Monash University, Australia |
Alma Harris | Cardiff Metropolitan University |
Christian Harrison | University of Bolton, UK |
Richard Harrison | University of Edinburgh, UK |
Nathan Harter | Christopher Newport University, USA |
Jean Hartley | Open University, UK |
Jeff Hearn | Huddersfield University, UK |
Mikinari Higano | Rikkyo University, Japan |
Ingalill Holmberg | Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden |
Jaap. A. Hoogenboezem | Maastricht University, Netherlands |
Emerald Jay D Ilác | Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines |
Gazi Islam | Grenoble Ecole de Management, France |
Marian Iszatt-White | Lancaster University, UK |
Zahira Jaser | Sussex University, UK |
Antonio Jimenez Luque | University of San Diego, USA |
Zahide Karakitapoglu-Aygün | Bilkent University, Turkey |
Tom Karp | Kristiania University College, Norway |
Mihaela Keleman | Nottingham University, UK |
Barbara L. Kellerman | Harvard Kennedy School, USA |
Steve Kempster | Lancaster University, UK |
Sofia Kjellström | Jönköping University, Sweden |
Karin Klenke | Northcentral University, USA |
Niina Koivunen | University of Vaasa, Finland |
Jean Lipman-Blumen | Claremont Graduate University, USA |
Kevin Lowe | University of Sydney, Australia |
Antonio Marturano | University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy |
Kate McCombs | Samford University, USA |
Rudolf Metz | Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary |
Sara Louise Muhr | Copenhagen Business School, Denmark |
Joanne Murphy | University of Birmingham, UK |
Stella M Nkomo | University of Pretoria, South Africa |
Joseph Nye | Harvard University, USA |
Sonia Ospina | New York University, USA |
Gillian Peele | University of Oxford, UK |
Gianpiero Petriglieri | INSEAD, France |
Micha Popper | University of Haifa, Israel |
Annie Pye | Cardiff Business School, UK |
Arménio Rego | Catholic University of Portugal, Portugal |
Ron Riggio | Claremont McKenna College, USA |
Paul Robson | Royal Holloway University of London, UK |
Caroline Rook | Henley Business School, University of Reading, UK |
Eugene Sadler-Smith | University of Surrey, UK |
Paul Sanders | NEOMA Business School, Reims, France |
Matías Sanfuentes | University of Chile, Chile |
Nela Smolovic Jones | Open University, UK |
Bert Spector | Northeastern University, USA |
Chellie Spiller | University of Waikato, New Zealand |
Sverre Spoelstra | Copenhagen Business School, Denmark |
Valerie Stead | Lancaster University, UK |
John Storey | Open University, UK |
Jianmin James Sun | Renmin University of China, China |
Neil Sutherland | University College London, UK |
Stefan Sveningsson | Lund University, Sweden |
Robert J. Taormina | University of Macau, Macau, China |
Scott Taylor | University of Birmingham, UK |
Steven S. Taylor | Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA |
Leah Tomkins | University of the West of England, UK |
Angela Trethewey | Arizona State University, USA |
Sharon Turnbull | Lancaster University, UK |
Stephen Turner | University of South Florida, USA |
Mats Tyrstrup | Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden |
Mary Uhl-Bien | Texas Christian University, USA |
Sheena Vachhani | University of Bristol, UK |
Meena Wilson | Center for Creative Leadership, Asia-Pacific |
Gary Yukl | University of Albany, SUNY, USA |
Malgorzata Zachara-Szymanska | Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.