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Threads of Thinking

Threads of Thinking
Schemas and Young Children's Learning

Fourth Edition

Other Titles in:
Early Childhood Education

March 2011 | 216 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
In her new edition of this popular book, Cathy Nutbrown presents evidence of continuity and progression in young children's thinking. She shows, with detailed observation, that they are able and active learners. She considers aspects of children's patterns of learning and thinking - or schemas - and demonstrates clearly how children learn in an active, dynamic and creative way.

This book makes schema theory explicit in practice. Supported by numerous detailed examples and the discussion of difficult theoretical issues, it illustrates children's learning in areas such as literacy, maths and science.

This new edition includes:

- discussion on the need for professional development

- changes in early years pedagogy

- more discussion of theories of learning in relation to curriculum and teaching practices

- new examples of children's drawings

- new suggestions for using stories to support schemas.

Threads of Thinking is for early years practitioners who wish to support and develop children's learning.

Professor Cathy Nutbrown is Director of Studies in Early Childhood Education at the University of Sheffield.

Thinking about Young Children Learning
Some Questions about Schemas
Consistency, Continuity and Progression in Young Children's Learning
Schemas as Consistent Patterns of Behaviour: Studies of Three Children
Children's Developing Understanding of Mathematical and Scientific Ideas
Patterns of Literacy
Nourishing Children's Thinking through Stories
A Curriculum for Thinking Children
Assessment for Learning
Working with Parents

An excellent update of this book which explains schemas with suitable examples.

Mrs Carol Clare
Education , University of Chester
May 15, 2011

We have used previous editions of this book, it is one students often want to buy for themselves and I will be ordering a copy for our library too.

Mrs Theresa Waterhouse
Education , City of Bath College
May 13, 2011

The section on how to implement thinking skills into the classroom gave practical advice. Accessible, relevant information throughout the book.

Joy Carroll
Institute of Education, Worcester University
May 12, 2011

A wonderful extension to the much loved work on Schemas by Professor Cathy Nutbrown. Those who are interested in the facsinating world of young children will never tire of extending their understanding of young children's ability to make sense of the world as told in this thought provoking text.

Dr Jools Page
Education , Sheffield University
May 12, 2011

although this is a re-print there is much new work here that brings the book up-to-date. This makes the text eve more valuable than it was before!

Mrs Sheena Smart
Education, Brighton University
May 12, 2011

This an excellent book if you need to understand or refesh your knowledge of schemas and yound childrens learning

Mrs Noelle Wilson
Childhood Studies, Hull College
May 4, 2011

This is a valuable book for any childcare practitioner to have on their shelf. Cathy Nutbrown has updated her book and has again given insight into the way children learn.

Mrs Lynn Boyle
ESCW - Education, Dundee University
April 27, 2011

This book is invaluable for both practitioners and students who are working within the field of early years. Cathy Nutbrown has succeeded in making explicit the close relationship of thought and action as children develop and enhance their thinking. The inclusion of the many examples given in the text enable practitioners to relate to and engage with strong early years practice.

Mrs Karen Vincent
Primary Education, Canterbury Christ Church University
April 23, 2011

Cathy Nutbrown is an inspiring writer and understands children and what make them tick,a book I will reccommend not just to my students but to all Early years pratitioners I come in contact with.

Mrs Maria Johnson
Community Learning Service, North East Lincolnshire Council
April 20, 2011

yet again cathy has been able to discuss issues surrounding childrens development which can be used be new and more experienced students and practitioners alike.

Mrs Kerrie Lee
Centre for Educational Studies, Hull University
April 20, 2011

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Chapter 1

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ISBN: 9781849204644

ISBN: 9781849204637