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Sklare, Gerald B.

Gerald Bennett Sklare University of Louisville, KY

Gerald B. Sklare, EdD, LPCC (Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor), NCC (Nationally Certified Counselor), is a profes-sor in the Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology at the University of Louisville in Kentucky. Both his master’s degree and doctorate are in counselor education from Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. He has served as a teacher and counselor in elementary, junior high, and high schools; he has conducted workshops around the United States on SFBC; and he has practiced in school settings and in private practice using this approach.

Hear from the author himself here.

Brief Counseling That Works
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Professional Book
Brief Counseling That Works
A Solution-Focused Therapy Approach for School Counselors and Other Mental Health Professionals,Third Edition
Published: August 2014
From £31.99