Nanci Grandone Alton School District/North Middle School, Godfrey academic-icon Created with Sketch. Professional BookTurning Points in Middle SchoolsStrategic Transitions for EducatorsMary Gallagher-Polite, Lela DeToye, John Fritsche, Nanci Grandone, Charlotte Keefe, Jacqueline Kuffel, Jodie Parker-HugheyPublished: June 1996From £21.99
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Professional BookTurning Points in Middle SchoolsStrategic Transitions for EducatorsMary Gallagher-Polite, Lela DeToye, John Fritsche, Nanci Grandone, Charlotte Keefe, Jacqueline Kuffel, Jodie Parker-HugheyPublished: June 1996From £21.99