I finished my PhD in SPS at Cambridge University in 1991 on links between the New Left and questions of culture, ideology and politics. Between 1991 and 2001 I worked as a lecturer in the Department of Sociological Studies at Sheffield University. During that time I published Culture, Ideology and Socialism (1995), Understanding Media Cultures (1995), The Transformation of the Media (1999), Making Sense of Men's Lifestyle Magazines (2001) and an edited collection Culture and Citizenship (2001).I was appointed Senior Lecturer in Sociology in Nottingham in 2001. I have also published Cultural Citizenship (2003) and David Bowie: Fame, Sound and Vision (2006). I am also currently on the editorial board of the BSA journal Cultural Sociology and Keywords. Most recently I published book length studies on Education and Cultural Citizenship (2011) and Freedom (2012). My most recent research aims to explore the relationships between European modernity and culture and I have been looking at issues related the the European Enlightenment, the future of social democracy, jazz music and human rights.