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258 Results Found for "000"


How to Get Published: Resources for Librarians

Are your patrons turning to you for advice on how to get published? Perhaps you are interested in publishing your own research in one of SAGE’s information science journals. SAGE is committed to supporting librarians in shaping the scholarship of the future. Find a range of resources here on this page to guide you through each step of the author journey. 


What is open access?

Open access content is made freely available to under the terms of a Creative Commons licence. Open access publication is usually subject to payment of an article processing charge (APC) paid by the author, institution or funding body. 

Starting out: Early Career Researchers and Editorial Board membership

Whether you are a researcher currently working on an advanced degree, like a PhD or postdoc, or are only a few years out of your program, Sage offers an abundance of resources and services to support early career researchers (ECRs) throughout this initial stage as you work to establish yourself in your chosen field. If you are interested in serving on a Journal’s Editorial Board but are not sure about the steps involved, this page is a great place to start.
