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258 Results Found for "000"


Explore the intersection of gender and psychology with The SAGE Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender

As more public attention is drawn to those who are breaking the traditional gender binary, many wonder about the impact it is having—both on individuals and society at large. A variety of topics related to gender and psychology are addressed in The SAGE Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender, recently published by SAGE. With nearly 600 entries by experts across a range of disciplines in four volumes, the text explores how gender affects society and individuals’ personalities, behaviors, worldviews, and more.

The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Travel and Tourism presents scholarly insight on the growing travel industry

The travel and tourism industry is predicted to grow at an average rate of 3.9% every year over the next decade, according to the World Travel & Tourism Council. In the newly launched SAGE International Encyclopedia of Travel and Tourism, scholars from around the world present challenges and opportunities that the industry faces as it continues to grow. The encyclopedia consists of more than 500 entries that address social, economic, environmental, and policy issues.

American Journal of Rhinology & Allergy and Allergy & Rhinology move to SAGE Publishing

SAGE Publishing today announces that it has begun publishing American Journal of Rhinology & Allergy and Allergy & Rhinology.

American Journal of Rhinology & Allergy is committed to expanding knowledge and publishing the best clinical and basic research within the fields of Rhinology & Allergy. It focuses on information that contributes to the improved quality of care for patients with nasal and sinus disorders.

The Journal of Comorbidity to be published by SAGE Publishing

SAGE Publishing can announce today that it is to begin publishing The Journal of Comorbidity (JOC). The first SAGE issue of the open access journal will publish in July 2018.

JOC is dedicated to studies that will improve the health and wellbeing of those affected with comorbidity and multimorbidity. The journal is a global information resource that focuses on different aspects of medicine in order to publish the optimum research for dealing with comorbidity and multimorbidity.

SAGE Publishing releases encyclopedia in the advancing field of intellectual and developmental disabilities

How can advances in genetics, brain imaging, treatments, and assessment reduce the stigma associated with intellectual and developmental disorders? How does this research further our understanding of these disorders, giving rise to possible treatment and policy options? SAGE Publishing announces the release of The SAGE Encyclopedia of Intellectual and Developmental Disorders to investigate these issues and more.

SAGE Publishing welcomes The Journal of Modern European History

SAGE Publishing will begin publishing the Journal of Modern European History, a quarterly journal, from February 2019.

The journal, edited by historians from around the world, centres each volume on different historical topics, widening the debate beyond the usual focus on nations such as England, France or Germany. The journal is open to all methodological and theoretical approaches.

Jonathan Beck, Publisher, C.H.Beck, commented:

Lean Library’s Library Alternatives module to now support eBooks

Lean Library’s Library Alternatives, the module of the Lean Library browser extension that facilitates alternative routes to full-text resources, will now support eBooks. Acquired by SAGE Publishing earlier this year, the award-winning technology platform allows seamless access to journals, articles, open access content, and now eBooks that are licensed by a user’s library, keeping them from paying for content they already have access to or being discouraged from using content altogether.

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SAGE Premier is the largest journals package offered by SAGE. It includes international, peer-reviewed journals, including high-impact research titles published on behalf of over 400 scholarly and professional societies. Its interdisciplinary coverage is unparalleled, spanning subject areas including business; humanities; social sciences; science, technology, medicine; and many more.

Living in mixed communities makes ethnic minorities feel British

People from minorities are more likely to feel part of Britain when their neighbours are from different ethnic backgrounds, research published in the journal Sociology, says.

In the most comprehensive study of community cohesion yet carried out, Dr Neli Demireva, of the University of Essex, and Professor Anthony Heath, of the University of Oxford, analysed data from two surveys on 4,391 British people, 3,582 of them from ethnic minorities.
