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Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Social Class

Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Social Class
Dimensions of Inequality and Identity

Fourth Edition
Edited by:

July 2023 | 864 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Social Class: Dimensions of Inequality and Identity, is an anthology of readings that explores the ways these social statuses shape our experiences and impact our life chances in today. It includes many of the leading experts in the field, and reflects the many approaches used by scholars and researchers to understand issues of diversity, power, and privilege The book is organized around broad topics (Identity, Power and Privilege, Social Institutions, etc.), rather than categories of difference (Race, Gender, Class, Sexuality) to underscore a fundamental insight. Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality do not exist in isolation; they often intersect with one another to produce social inequalities and form the bases of our identities in society.
Part I • Introduction To Race, Gender, Sexuality, And Social Class: Concepts, History, And Theories Of Difference
A. Concepts and History
Lynn Weber
1. Defining Contested Concepts
Matthew Desmond and Mustafa Emirbayer
2. What Is Racial Domination?
Sara L. Crawley, Lara J. Foley, and Constance L. Shehan
3. Creating a World of Dichotomy: Categorizing Sex and Gendering Cultural Messages
Susan Wendell
4. The Social Construction of Disability
Stephen J. McNamee
5. The Meritocracy Myth Revisited
Tukufu Zuberi
6. Racial Domination and the Evolution of Racial Classification
Jonathan Ned Katz
7. The Invention of Heterosexuality
B. Theories of Difference
Joan Acker
8. Is Capitalism Gendered and Racialized?
Evelyn Nakano Glenn
9. The Social Construction and Institutionalization of Gender and Race: An Integrative Framework
Bonnie Thornton Dill and Ruth Enid Zambrana
10. Critical Thinking about Inequality: An Emerging Lens
Tara J. Yasso
11. Whose Culture Has Capital? A Critical Race Theory Discussion of Community Cultural Wealth
Momin Rahman
12. Queer as Intersectionality: Theorizing Gay Muslim Identities
Subini Ancy Annamma, David J. Connor, and Beth A. Ferri
13. Dis/ability Critical Race Studies (DisCrit): Theorizing at the Intersections of Race and Dis/ability
Part II • Identities Matter: The Social Construction And Experience Of Race, Gender, Sexuality, And Social Class
A. Identity Formation
Hazel Rose Markus
14. Who Am I? Race, Ethnicity, and Identity
Judith A. Howard and Ramira M. Alamilla
15. Gender and Identity
Eva Marie Garroutte
16. The Racial Formation of American Indians: Negotiating Legitimate Identities Within Tribal and Federal Law
Katherine M. Franke
17. What Does a White Woman Look Like? Racing and Erasing in Law
Nilda Flores-González, Elizabeth Aranda, and Elizabeth Vaquera
18. “Doing Race”: Latino Youth’s Identities and the Politics of Racial Exclusion
B. Identities and Social Interaction
Debra Van Ausdale and Joe R. Feagin
19. Using Racial and Ethnic Concepts: The Critical Case of Very Young Children
Julie Bettie
20. Women Without Class: Chicas, Cholas, Trash, and the Presence/Absence of Class Identity
Angela A. Gonzales and Judy Kertész
21. Indigenous Identity, Being, and Belonging
Carrie Yodanis
22. A Place in Town: Doing Class in a Coffee Shop
Jessica Holden Sherwood
23. The View From the Country Club: Wealthy Whites and the Matrix of Privilege
Spencer Garrison
24. On the Limits of “Trans Enough”: Authenticating Trans Identity Narratives
C. Identity Construction and Stigma Management
Ellen Samuels
25. My Body, My Closet: Invisible Disability and the Limits of Coming-Out Discourse
Anne R. Roschelle and Peter Kaufman
26. Fitting In and Fighting Back: Stigma Management Strategies Among Homeless Kids
Nikki Khanna and Cathryn Johnson
27. Passing as Black: Racial Identity Work Among Biracial Americans
Amir Marvasti and Karyn D. McKinney
28. The Stigma of Brown Skin and “Foreign” Names
Carla Pfeffer
29. “I Don’t Like Passing as a Straight Woman”: Queer Negotiations of Identity and Social Group Membership
Part III • Social Institutions And The Perpetuation Of Inequality
A. The Family
Patricia Hill Collins
30. It’s All in the Family: Intersections of Gender, Race, and Nation
Karen Pyke
31. An Intersectional Approach to Resistance and Complicity: The Case of Racialized Desire Among Asian American Women
Doug Meyer
32. The Home and the Street: Violence Against Queer People
B. Education
Roslyn Arlin Mickelson
33. How Tracking Undermines Race Equity in Desegregated Schools
Stephanie J. Waterman and Lorinda S. Lindley
34. Cultural Strengths to Persevere: Native American Women in Higher Education
Peter Sacks
35. Class Matters
C. The Economy and Employment
Joan Acker
36. Inequality Regimes: Gender, Class, and Race in Organizations
Marianne Bertrand and Sendhil Mullainathan
37. Are Emily and Greg More Employable Than Lakisha and Jamal? A Field Experiment on Labor Market Discrimination
Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo
38. Families on the Frontier: From Braceros in the Fields to Braceras in the Home
D. Health Care and Medicine
Janet R. Grochowski
39. Social Determinants and Family Health
Ryan Blitstein
40. Racism’s Hidden Toll
Whitney N. Laster Pirtle and Tashelle Wright
41. Structural Gendered Racism Revealed in Pandemic Times: Intersectional Approaches to Understanding Race and Gender Health Inequities in COVID-19
E. Media
Diana Kendall
42. Framing Class, Vicarious Living, and Conspicuous Consumption
David R. Dietrich
43. Avatars of Whiteness: Racial Expression in Video Game Characters
Cassaundra Rodriguez
44. Chinese Maternity Tourists and their “Anchor Babies”? Disdain and Racialized Conditional Acceptance of Non-Citizen Reproduction
F. Politics and Government
Hana E. Brown
45. Race, Legality, and the Social Policy Consequences of Anti-immigration Mobilization
Michelle Alexander
46. The New Jim Crow
Sarah J. Jackson
47. (Re)Imagining Intersectional Democracy from Black Feminism to Hashtag Activism
Part IV • Power And Privilege Unmasked
Abby L. Ferber
48. The Culture of Privilege: Color-Blindness, Postfeminism, and Christonormativity
Iris Marion Young
49. Five Faces of Oppression
Ellis Cose
50. Rage of the Privileged
Alexander Lu and Y. Joel Wong
51. Stressful Experiences of Masculinity among U.S.-Born and Immigrant Asian American Men
Kari Marie Norgaard, Ron Reed, and J. M. Bacon
52. How Environmental Decline Restructures Indigenous Gender Practices: What Happens to Karuk Masculinity When There Are No Fish?
Forrest Stuart and Ava Benezra
53. Criminalized Masculinities: How Policing Shapes the Construction of Gender and Sexuality in Poor Black Communities
Beth A. Quinn
54. Sexual Harassment and Masculinity: The Power and Meaning of “Girl Watching”
Adriana C. Núñez
55. Collateral Subjects: The Normalization of Surveillance for Mexican Americans on the Border
Part V • Empowerment And Social Change
Patricia Hill Collins
56. Toward a New Vision: Race, Class, and Gender as Categories of Analysis and Connection
Paul Kivel
57. How White People Can Serve as Allies to People of Color in the Struggle to End Racism
Jacqueline Johnson, Sharon Rush, and Joe Feagin
58. Doing Anti-Racism: Toward an Egalitarian American Society
Jean Halley and Amy Eshleman
59. It’s Getting Better: Queer Hope, Queer Courage
Meizhu Lui, Barbara J. Robles, Betsy Leondar-Wright, Rose Brewer, and Rebecca Adamson
60. Policy Steps Toward Closing the Gap


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