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Constitutional Law for a Changing America

Constitutional Law for a Changing America
Institutional Powers and Constraints

Twelfth Edition

March 2025 | 728 pages | CQ Press
In Constitutional Law for a Changing America: Institutional Powers and Constraints, bestselling authors Lee Epstein, Kevin T. McGuire, and Thomas G. Walker show students how political factors influence judicial decisions and shape the development of constitutional law. The Twelfth Edition, updated with additional material such as recent court rulings, more than 500 supplemental cases, and greater coverage of executive, legislative, and judicial power, facilitates a deeper understanding of how the U.S. Constitution defines what institutions can and cannot do.

This book is ideal for Constitutional Law courses in the two-semester sequence that covers powers and constraints. For courses that cover both rights and liberties and the separation of powers in one semester, see Constitutional Law for a Changing America: A Short Course.
About the Author
Part One: The U.S. Constitution
Chapter One: Understanding the U.S. Supreme Court
Processing Supreme Court Cases

Supreme Court Decision Making: Legalism

Supreme Court Decision Making: Realism

Conducting Research on the Supreme Court

Annotated Readings

Part Two: Institutional Authority
Chapter Two: The Judiciary
Establishment of the Federal Judiciary

Judicial Review

Constraints on Judicial Power: Article III

Constraints on Judicial Power: Judicial Self-Restraint and the Separation of Powers System

Annotated Readings

Chapter Three: The Legislature
Article I: Historical Overview

Congressional Authority over Internal Affairs: Institutional Independence and Integrity

Introduction to Legislative Powers

Enumerated Powers

Implied Powers and the Necessary and Proper Clause

Congress’s Intepretation of the Constitution

Annotated Readings

Chapter Four: The Executive
The Structure of the Presidency

The President’s Constitutional Authority and Tools for Executing It

The Faithful Execution of the Laws: Defining the Contours of Presidential Power

Domestic Powers of the President

The Role of the President in External Relations

Annotated Readings

Chapter Five: Interbranch Interactions
Debates over Interbranch Interactions

Domestic Powers

Powers over Foreign Affairs

Annotated Readings

Part Three: Nation-State Relations
Chapter Six: Federalism
The Doctrinal Cycle of Nation-State Relations

The Eleventh Amendment and Sovereign Immunity

National Preemption of State Laws

Annotated Readings

Chapter Seven: The Commerce Power
Foundations of the Commerce Power

Attempts to Define the Commerce Power in the Wake of the Industrial Revolution

The Supreme Court and the New Deal

The Era of Expansive Commerce Clause Jurisprudence

Limits on the Commerce Power: The Republican Court Era

Commerce Power of the States

Annotated Readings

Chapter Eight: The Power to Tax and Spend
The Framers and Defining the Financial Powers

Direct Taxes and the Power to Tax Income

Taxation of Exports

Intergovernmental Tax Immunity

Taxation as a Regulatory Power

Taxing and Spending for the General Welfare

Restrictions on the Revenue Powers of the States

Annotated Readings

Part Four: Economic Liberties
Chapter Nine: The Contract Clause
The Framers and the Contract Clause

John Marshall and the Contract Clause

Decline of the Contract Clause: From the Taney Court to the New Deal

Modern Applications of the Contract Clause

Annotated Readings

Chapter Ten: Economic Substantive Due Process
Development of Substantive Due Process

The Roller-Coaster Ride of Substantive Due Process: 1898–1923

The Heyday of Substantive Due Process: 1923–1936

The Depression, the New Deal, and the Decline of Economic Substantive Due Process

Substantive Due Process: Contemporary Relevance

Annotated Readings

Chapter Eleven: The Takings Clause
Protecting Private Property from Government Seizure

What Is a Taking?

What Is a Public Use?

What Is Just Compensation?

Annotated Readings

Reference Material


Instructor Resources
Online resources included with this text

The online resources for your text are available via the password-protected Instructor Resource Site, which offers access to all text-specific resources, including a test bank and editable, chapter-specific PowerPoint® slides.

Case Archive
The authors have excerpted each case in the same format as those in the text, featuring the justices' votes, a summary of case facts, and a carefully edited version of the justices' opinions.

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