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Getting the Schools You Want

Getting the Schools You Want
A Step-by-Step Guide to Conducting Your Own Curriculum Management Audit

August 1997 | 160 pages | Corwin
Curriculum management audits are rapidly becoming powerful tools for school improvement in the United States. This book is a clear, step-by-step guide to conducting such an audit.
Larry Frase
Improving America's Schools
The Challenge to Change

Understanding What the Audit Is and Is Not
Role of the Auditor
Key Principles

Developing Audit Basics
Key Concepts

Creating a Rational District
The Control Standard

Knowing What Everyone Does
The Objectives Standard

Knowing How Everyone Is Doing
The Assessment Standard

Organizing What Everyone Does
The Connectivity and Equity Standard

Making Everything Count
The Productivity Standard

Writing the Audit
Findings and Recommendations

Political Implications of the Audit
After the Audit
What Now?


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ISBN: 9780803965447