Terry Wilhelm Educators 2000, Consultant and Owner/Founder
Terry Wilhelm, M.A., has served as a teacher, principal, district office and area service agency administrator, and university adjunct professor in educational leadership. Her work with principals and school leadership teams spans over fifteen years and is the basis for this book. K-12 urban, rural, and suburban schools of all sizes are represented in her work with teams. During her service at the Riverside County Office of Education in Riverside, California, she was Administrator, then Director of the Riverside County School Leadership Center of the California School Leadership Academy (CSLA). When she was appointed Director, Educational Leadership Services, she continued the former CSLA School Leadership Teams (SLT) program, re-engineered to support schools working to become professional learning communities. Between 2003 and 2012, 56 schools from ten districts that participated in SLT met the criteria for inclusion on allthingsplc.info. An external evaluator determined that achievement at these schools exceeded that of similar non-program schools in the county and state, and that they sustained their improvement trajectories after participating in the two-year program for the duration of the study. Wilhelm has authored many articles on school improvement, and is a regular contributor to Leadership, the journal of the Association of California School Administrators. Her weekly column, Leaders’ Link, written for HotChalk, Inc., is published at http://education.cu-portland.edu/blog/leaders-link/leaders-link-welcome/. She is a national consultant and founder/owner of Educators 2000, www.educators2000.com.