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53 Results Found for "150"


Sage Psychology Webinars

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From cognitive neuropsychology and research methods to study skills and student wellbeing, our free Psychology webinars help you refresh your knowledge, build new skills and better support your students.

Sage International Books Catalogues

These catalogues are compiled primarily for the use of our international agents and bookseller partners, and their content will reflect titles with international appeal. Each catalogue contains a selection of forthcoming titles, as well as bestsellers. Excel listings for the titles within the catalogues are also accessible here.

Resources for Journal Authors, Editors and Reviewers

Supporting authors, editors and reviewers throughout all steps of the publishing process. Whether you are publishing an article, editing a journal or looking for advice on peer review; we are here to help.

Sage Open Access Oncology Journals

Our open access oncology journals open doors to a world where knowledge is freely accessible, empowering researchers and clinicians to stay informed and engaged in the fight against cancer. Explore peer-reviewed articles, case studies, and expert insights curated by leading minds in the field.

选择在 Sage 发表论文的主要原因


Sage 是世界领先的独立学术出版商,致力于在全球范围内传播教学和研究成果,从而在社会中发挥创造性作用。对此,我们深感自豪。选择在 Sage 发表文章可获得如下益处:

The importance of science

It is important that the UK has enough well-qualified scientists to meet the demand, but there is much evidence to suggest that there is a shortfall in the numbers of young people coming through into science-related occupations. This explains why science continues to hold core subject status with the National Curriculum. The ASPIRE Project reported concern that women, and working-class and some minority ethnic groups are under-represented in the study of science, especially in the physical sciences and engineering (Archer et al., 2013).

How to Do Research and Get Published Webinar Series

How do I select the right journal for my manuscript? How do I publish open access? What is the best methodology to use in my paper? In this new monthly webinar series, we aim to answer all your questions about the research and publishing process. Featuring Sage and external speakers from various disciplines, this series will address the stumbling blocks every researcher encounters in the beginning of their careers and provides practical and in-depth guidance to help you get published.
