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The Sage Production Process

  • Communication: We are conscious of, and understand, how keen authors are to see their work published. Sage production staff maintain regular communication with journal editors and authors throughout the production process. In addition, email messages are automatically sent out to the corresponding author at key points along the workflow to confirm that their article has been received in production and to inform them of their article’s progress.

Publication of renowned American History archive completed

Sixty thousand primary source documents now available online from Adam Matthew Digital

Marlborough, UK, American History, 1493-1945 is now complete - providing teachers and researchers with access to thousands of exceptionally high-quality digital primary source documents from the renowned Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, New York - one of the most important archives on American history in existence.

Platinum award win for Adam Matthew

Adam Matthew celebrate second platinum award at LibraryWorks, Inc Modern Library Awards

(Marlborough). LibraryWorks, Inc have announced the winners of their second annual Modern Library Awards (MLAs), which saw Adam Matthew receive a Platinum award for ‘Popular Medicine in America, 1800-1900' and Honorable Mention distinction for 'Popular Culture in Britain and America, 1950-1975'.

University of Exeter becomes first European university to purchase complete primary source portfolio from Adam Matthew Digital

Adam Matthew Digital is delighted to announce today that University of Exeter has become the first European university to purchase its entire digital primary source portfolio of over 100 modules.

The University, a long-time supporter of AM Digital, made its first digital purchase in 2008, and this week has completed its portfolio, with the addition of all new content publishing in 2019, as well as the entire suite of digitised microfilm.

Six Social Scientists Receive Inaugural Impact Writing Prize from Social Science Space

Six social and behavioral scientists were recently awarded the 2019 Impact in Action Writing Prize for their submissions detailing how their research makes a valuable difference beyond academia. Four submissions received the top prize from Social Science Space, an online social network sponsored by SAGE Publishing; two focus on education, one on immigration, and one on autism.  

The recipients are:

Non-Academic & Special Libraries

Knowledge solutions for better outcomes

Whatever type of library or institution you are based at we have something that is sure to match your needs. From government to NGO’s, law firms to hospitals, engineering to pharmaceutical, public libraries to schools, anyone responsible for information management or content delivery will benefit from staying up to date with all our products and purchasing options.
