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SAGE Announces Social Science Impact Writing Contest

SAGE Publishing has launched a new contest for social and behavioral scientists to share the real-world impact of their research and help make the case that research in these fields can and should be used to improve the human condition. Winning stories will be published on Social Science Space, an online network for the social and behavioral science (SBS) community sponsored by SAGE, and the authors of the stories will receive a $500 honorarium.  

Submissions must:  

Resources for journalists

Article access for your readers

We also provide paywall-free links to the Sage articles you cite so your audience can read the underlying scholarship for free. To get a paywall-free link to an article in Sage journals, please email with the name of the article and the journal one business day ahead of the publication of your article.    


每年都有 200 万篇学术论文被发表。如此数量庞大的研究产出,如何让您发表的研究成果引起行业相关人员的关注到并得到传播的机会?

Sage一直致力于帮助中国学者扩大其学术影响力。 2019年启动的 “Sage 学者之声” 项目已经采访了数十位教授和学者,并在Sage中国或全球官方渠道传播他们在各自学术领域取得的优异研究成果。

为惠及更多的作者,Sage推出“中国作者研究推广助力计划” 。如果您觉得近期在Sage旗下期刊发表的研究值得被传播,欢迎您与我们联系!我们将协助您在多个Sage中国官方社交媒体平台或者亚太地区的官方社交媒体推广您的学术研究。您发表研究的曝光量、阅读及下载量等将有机会得以提。




每年都有 200 万篇学术论文被发表。如此数量庞大的研究产出,如何让您发表的研究成果引起行业相关人员的关注到并得到传播的机会?

Sage一直致力于帮助中国学者扩大其学术影响力。 2019年启动的 “Sage 学者之声” 项目已经采访了数十位教授和学者,并在Sage中国或全球官方渠道传播他们在各自学术领域取得的优异研究成果。

为惠及更多的作者,Sage推出“中国作者研究推广助力计划” 。如果您觉得近期在Sage旗下期刊发表的研究值得被传播,欢迎您与我们联系!我们将协助您在多个Sage中国官方社交媒体平台或者亚太地区的官方社交媒体推广您的学术研究。您发表研究的曝光量、阅读及下载量等将有机会得以提。



Sage International Books Catalogues

These catalogues are compiled primarily for the use of our international agents and bookseller partners, and their content will reflect titles with international appeal. Each catalogue contains a selection of forthcoming titles, as well as bestsellers. Excel listings for the titles within the catalogues are also accessible here.

Nursing and Midwifery Fair - Sage Prize Draw Terms and Conditions


By participating in this promotion each individual (an “Entrant”) agrees to be bound by these Official Rules and by the decisions of the Sponsor, which are final in all matters relating to this promotion.  

No purchase or payment of any kind is necessary to win.  A purchase will not improve your chances of winning. 


Big Data and Social Research Roundup No.19

This month’s Big Data Newsletter looks back at the first ever Social Science Foo Camp, a ‘non-conference conference’, co-hosted by SAGE, which brought together 250 of the world’s leading social scientists, technologists, business people and policy-makers to discuss the future of social science, the impact of technology and the possibilities for cross-discipline collaboration.

At the camp SAGE launched SAGE Ocean, a new initiative to support social scientists work with big data and new technology. Find out more in the latest edition.

Information For Sage Authors

If you are an author wishing to reuse material from your Sage book, please check your author agreement for any re-use terms contained within. You must provide a full citation to the original source, as well as notify any co-author(s) of the reuse.


Sage Publications Online and Print Accessibility Policy: Facilitating Access

It is part of Sage’s vision and overall mission to disseminate teaching and research materials on a global scale, by combining quality and innovation and by actively responding to the needs of our customers. As such, whenever possible, Sage endeavours to make the process of obtaining accessible content simple.
