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Search Results

26 Results Found for "SP0"


SAGE supports library travel grant for ALPSP International Conference 2014

Los Angeles, CA - SAGE has announced it will be sponsoring a librarian place for the fourth consecutive year at the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP) International conference. The annual event takes place Wednesday 10 - Friday 12 September 2014 in London, United Kingdom.

Reviewer Rewards

At Sage we value the hard work and dedication of our reviewers, so we are very happy to offer the following rewards every time you review for a Sage journal:

SAGE strengthens its social and health science journals collection with the acquisition of 19 journals

Los Angeles, CA - SAGE today announces the purchase of 19 journals from Baywood Publishing Company, Inc. With this acquisition, SAGE will publish journals in counseling, gerontology & aging, health & healthcare, education, anthropology, beginning in 2015.

Baywood Publishing Company, Inc. has published scholarly and professional journals and books in the social sciences and humanities for more than 50 years. Its collection focuses on the current trends in theory, research, and practice while paving new directions for researchers, instructors, and practitioners.

Consortia Subscriptions

Offerings from Sage for Library Consortia

In response to research and feedback from our market, including discussions with the library community, Sage has expanded its offerings to consortia customers. We now provide all of the following purchase options to library consortia. 

Non-Academic & Special Libraries

Knowledge solutions for better outcomes

Whatever type of library or institution you are based at we have something that is sure to match your needs. From government to NGO’s, law firms to hospitals, engineering to pharmaceutical, public libraries to schools, anyone responsible for information management or content delivery will benefit from staying up to date with all our products and purchasing options.

SAGE launches Business Researcher as the first in a series of library business resources

Los Angeles, CA - SAGE is pleased to announce the launch of SAGE Business Researcher which comprises biweekly in-depth reports, data, short articles, expert views, and resources for deeper investigation on the most pressing topics in business and management. SAGE Business Researcher is the first in a suite of resources that draws upon a thorough understanding of business curricula and research to support teaching and to guide students through all stages of undergraduate and graduate careers.
