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The SAGE Handbook of Global Childhoods

The SAGE Handbook of Global Childhoods

Edited by:

September 2021 | 696 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

This Handbook explores the multidisciplinary field of childhood studies through a uniquely global lens. It focuses on enquiries and investigations into the everyday lives of young children in the age range of birth to 8 years of age, giving space to their voices and involving interrogations about the various aspect of their lives.  This Handbook engages with the interdisciplinary field of childhood studies, education, cultural studies, ethnography, and philosophy, with contributions from scholars from across the globe who have focused their work on the complexities of childhoods in contemporary times.

By considering a range of epistemologies, ontologies and perspectives to present the contemporary & systematic research on the topic from a wide range of academics and authors in the field, this Handbook provides a significant contribution to the international dialogue of Global Childhoods.

Part 1: Global Childhoods

Part 2: Researching Global Childhoods

Part 3: Contemporary Childhoods

Part 4: Pedagogies and Practice

Part 5: Creating Communities for Global Children

Part 1: Global Childhoods
Nicola J. Yelland, Lacey Peters, Nikki Fairchild, Marek Tesar, & Michelle S. Pérez
Editor's Introduction
Michelle S. Pérez
Part 1 Introduction
Mere Skerrett
Chapter 1: The Descendants of the Gods: Maori Indigenous Childhoods
Bekisizwe S. Ndimande
Chapter 2: [Re]Imagining Childhoods in the Global South: South African Experiences
Amita Gupta
Chapter 3: Globalization and (Un)shifting Notions of Childhood: Middle-Class Parents in and from Urban India Conceptualize Childhood in a Climate of Globalization
Zsuzsa Millei, Nikolai Jeffs, Petar Odak, Iveta Silova, Anikó Varga Nagy, & Anel Kulahmetova
Chapter 4: Childhoods and Politics in (Post)socialist Societies
Radhika Viruru & Nazneen Askari
Chapter 5: Postcolonial Childhoods: Historical and Contemporary Notions
Luting Zhou, Erica Burman, & Susie Miles
Chapter 6: A Study of ‘Learning through Play’ in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Singapore Kindergartens Using Asia as Method
Peter Kraftl, Sarada Balagopalan, & Gabriela Tebet
Chapter 7: Children's Geographies Beyond 'Agency'
Iris Duhn, Karen Malone, & Linda Knight
Chapter 8: Relational Mapping and Global Childhoods
Paty Abril-Gonzalez & Michelle Salazar Pérez
Chapter 9: Pláticas on Early Childhood and Bilingual Education: Reckoning with the Past to Envision the Future
Part 2: Researching Global Childhoods
Marek Tesar
Part 2 Introduction
Jonas Qvarsebo
Chapter 10: The Historical Emergence of Modern Childhood
Andrew Gibbons & Marek Tesar
Chapter 11: Philosophy of Childhood: Style, Philosophy, and the ‘Post-It’ of Global Childhoods
Sonja Arndt
Chapter 12: Rethinking Global Sociology of Childhoods
Hillevi Lenz Taguchi & Christine Eriksson
Chapter 13: Posthumanism/New Materialism: the Child, Childhood and Education
Kylie Smith
Chapter 14: Research Methodologies with Young Children: Muddling in the Middle
Fikile Nxumalo, Nnenna Odim, & Alison Smith
Chapter 15: Black Geographies in Early Childhood Studies
Jayne Osgood & Sid Mohandas
Chapter 16: Figuring Gender in Early Childhood with Animal Figurines: Pursuing Tentacular Stories about Global Childhoods in the Anthropocene
Marina Basu
Chapter 17: Krishnamurti’s Insights for Global Childhood Education and Research
ximena galdames castillo
Chapter 18: Ni niño, ni ruiseñor/Not a child, nor a mockingbird: Decolonisation of Childhoods in Abya Yala
Nikki Rotas
Chapter 19: Architecting Process-Oriented Research Methodologies in Early Childhood Education
Part 3: Contemporary Childhoods
Nicola J. Yelland
Part 3 Introduction
Stefania Giamminuti
Chapter 20: Childhoods for the Common Good: The Educational Project of Reggio Emilia
Angeles Maldonado & Beth Blue Swadener
Chapter 21: (R)existence in the Borderlands: Immigrant Children in the United States
Dimitrina Kaneva & Su Corcoran
Chapter 22: Homeless and Street Connected Childhoods: Contemporary Challenges within International Convention Frameworks
Lorna Arnott & Nicola Yelland
Chapter 23: Multimodal Childhoods: Lifeworlds and Lived Experiences of Young Children in Pedagogic Cultures
Jeanne Marie Iorio & Catherine Hamm
Chapter 24: Learning with Place: Innovative Pedagogies for Climate Action
Casey Meyers
Chapter 25: The Every/day Materialities of Children's School Lives
Pauliina Rautio, Tuure Tammi, & Riikka Hohti
Chapter 26: Children After the Animal Turn: Child-animal Relations and Multispecies Scholarship
Haeny S. Yoon
Chapter 27: Play, Popular Culture and the Aesthetics of Play: Children as Cultural Critics
Jay Griffiths
Chapter 28: Minds Nested in Nature
Part 4: Pedagogies and Practice
Nikki Fairchild
Part 4 Introduction
Eva Mikuska
Chapter 29: The Importance of Early Childhood Education and Care for Hungarian Ethnic Minority Groups in Romania, Slovak Republic and Serbia
Karin Murris, Rose-Anne Reynolds, Heloisa da Silva, & Luzia Aparecida de Souza
Chapter 30: Untidying Child Development with a Picturebook: Disrupting Colonising Binary Logic in Teacher Education
Nikki Fairchild & Vini Lander
Chapter 31: Seeing Beyond: Perspectives of Black and Minority Ethnic Children in English ECEC
Lucy Hill
Chapter 32: On Being Led (astray) by (feral) Materials: Posthuman Research Practice in an outdoor ECEC Atelier
Fengling Tang, Pan Yue-Juan, & Niwen Wu
Chapter 33: Construction of children’s cultural identity in Chinese context: Understanding young children’s perspectives via popular picture books
Ann Merete Otterstad & Constanse Elmenhorst
Chapter 34: The Norwegian #barnehageopprør2016 (the 2016 kindergarten riots): Renewed acts of political and professional minor gestures
Wu Pinhui Sandra
Chapter 35: From Policy to Pedagogy: Image of the Singapore Child
Hannah Olubunmi Ajayi
Chapter 36: Social Inequality in the Early Childhood Care and Education Practice in Nigeria
Reetu Chandra
Chapter 37: Quality Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) in India: Where do we stand?
Part 5: Creating Communities for Global Children
Lacey Peters
Part 5 Introduction
Ali Formen, Hani Yulindrasari, & Vina Adriany
Chapter 38: Unpacking Children and Childhood in Indonesian Preschool Policy Documents
Eunice Lumsden
Chapter 39: Infants and Young Children in Alternative Care
Maria Persons
Chapter 40: Pedagogic Resistance: Children’s Play as Political Agency
Claudia Diaz-Diaz
Chapter 41: Children Walking Diverse Worlds: Facing the Trouble of a Settler Colonial Past and Present
Lacey Peters, Eloah Decat, Victoria Damjanovic, Meaghan Mosher, Cassidy Dickson, & Janette Habashi
Chapter 42: Fostering Community and Environmental Sustainability in Early Childhood: A Project on Living Things in a Preschool Classroom
Kyunghwa Lee
Chapter 43: Becoming ADHD in U.S. Public Early Childhood Classrooms: Childhood Amidst Accountability Policies
Jennifer Scarboro
Chapter 44: What deaf Children Think about deaf Education
John Nimmo & Maria Thereza Oliva Marcilio
Chapter 45: Constructing an Inclusive Understanding of Rights from the Ground Up: Listening to Young Children Through an International Documentary Film Adventure
Chelsea Bailey, Janeth Christian Malela & Frank Mbele, Michell Naidoo, Michele Reich, Diego Pérez, Julie Nicholson, Anonymous & Lisette Garcia
Chapter 46: Justice, Dignity and Respect: Love as an Organizing Principle in Global Childhoods

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ISBN: 9781529717815

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